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  1. Lhealey05

    Server Suggestion Rule Suggestion (New Rule)

    Moved this to idea and suggestion because this wouldn’t be a rule more of a server suggestion
  2. Lhealey05

    PLPD Concept cars thread.

    People might want the decals of him as some people can’t do them and want to use them and you never know they might ask him to make them for v6 so he’s practicing and showing his work off which I highly respect because I can’t do it and I like seeing stuff like this because of the skill and so...
  3. Lhealey05

    Staff issue

    Just thought I would leave this here as well I also think people forget staff aren’t always on has they also have a life behind the scene of perp and also have other stuff going on like personal stuff they won’t focus there life on the game hence why there isn’t always a lot of staff on Also...
  4. Lhealey05

    PLPD Concept cars thread.

    Look good keep it up
  5. Lhealey05

    Staff issue

    I wish you could make a template like an AR that needs filling out when doing an F6 this would make so many better reports instead of all the stupid ones the mods get
  6. Lhealey05

    Staff issue

  7. Lhealey05

    Hello everyone

    Welcome to the server
  8. Lhealey05

    Server Suggestion Presentable ID card

    Think is would be better as you can have an actual id then because when they ain’t the owner they just run away
  9. Lhealey05

    Server Suggestion Renting properties

    I don’t agree with this because then people would buy properties and not use them and all properties would be taken and the people who want to base can’t Also new players doing missions won’t be able to do them because of this as well
  10. Lhealey05

    Ban Dispute (Bnjemann)

    I will lock this till acer looks into it as went from giving more information and another side to arguing
  11. Lhealey05

    Server Suggestion Make cars penetratable

    I don’t agree with this as cars are very easy to break when being shot especially with snipers so there isn’t any point as once your car is broken you can be kill ejected
  12. Lhealey05

    Message me on discord I don’t want to have this conversation on my profile

    Message me on discord I don’t want to have this conversation on my profile
  13. Lhealey05

    Ban Dispute (Scrabuz)

    I’m gonna lock this until a mod is ready to look into as it’s just turning into an argument now
  14. Lhealey05

    Community Suggestion Medic and firefighter change plus other jobs

    I agree with the firefighter section they should be able to damage people with it
  15. Lhealey05

    Community Suggestion Medic and firefighter change plus other jobs

    I don’t agree bc medic need there tools and can’t kill people with them They can with the defib but takes a while not with the fire axe and it’s a very fast at killing
  16. Lhealey05

    Community Suggestion Medic and firefighter change plus other jobs

    Feel like it just needs playtime like pd so they learnt rules and everything
  17. Lhealey05

    Community Suggestion Medic and firefighter change plus other jobs

    Suggestion Title: Medic and firefighter change plus other jobs Suggestion Description: So I’ve been thinking these last couple of days and checking the blacklists there are a lot of black list on firefighter and medic even this idea could go to taxi drivers and road crew as well But last year...
  18. Lhealey05


  19. Lhealey05

    weapon disassemble and reassemble without work bench?

    This would be chaos the amount of people breaking up there guns just so they don’t lose them in a raid
  20. Lhealey05

    Ban Dispute (Scoot)

    Hello if you are disputing the ban length you will need to make a staff complaint as you can only dispute the ban if you feel like the no rules was broken If you feel like the length of the ban isn’t fair you will need to make a staff complaint which you can do here...
  21. Lhealey05

    Update Log 15/08/2024 - PLPD Changes, AFK Property Autosale, Chop Shop Expansion and more

    Yes because that’s enough evidence to show what gun was used to kill the person so you can say that’s not the gun it was this gun if they re fuse you can then go get the gun from storage
  22. Lhealey05

    Ban Apology (@Sean)

  23. Lhealey05

    What is your personal least favorite rule you think is dumb?

    3.4 and 3.6 should just be the same rule instead of having 2 separate things which are basically the same rule anyway
  24. Lhealey05

    PLPD Online Suggestion Reprimand and written warning OR

    I feel like if you do the mistake and you end up with a reprimand you should have to wait the 4 weeks for it to expire so you learn your lesson Also this will be abused as well officers will go around when on the final stage (command review) and do whatever they want because they have an...
  25. Lhealey05

    Ban Dispute (A1L)

  26. Lhealey05

