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  1. MachineGunO


    Do you have any proof?
  2. MachineGunO

    Not Today Tyla

    You are missing many shots, nuub. :BOOTY: Not better than me. 1VS1 !
  3. MachineGunO

    How to use the M82 - Martino Nostra

    ''That works aswell'' - @Robin Ljungberg
  4. MachineGunO

    Helping Crafthing + - Martino Nostra

    Remember this @Sam ? xD
  5. MachineGunO

    Refund Reguest - AK -

    Your in-game name: Martino Nostra Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:75386219 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: We was being raided by the cops in Regals 3. My friend rushed outside the door and he got killed, after I rushed out the cop shot me. My friends told me that the cop minge grabbed my weapon...
  6. MachineGunO

    Action Request on InfectedYoU, Redbully14 (Possibly) and [PH] PølsehornEater

    It started with there was a panic in slums. When I came there the LT was layin dead on the ground. I got the permission to breach in the slums to look if there was more inside there..
  7. MachineGunO

    Action Request on InfectedYoU, Redbully14 (Possibly) and [PH] PølsehornEater

    Yeah I know, I have got that feeling to being raided because i got mugged because the cop didin't trust me, but I got permission to breach in so I can't see there is an AR on me?.. There was given info that I have to breach in the APT. But i'm truly sorry what happened because when i came to...
  8. MachineGunO

    Refund reguest - SIG fully loaded

    Your in-game name: Martino Nostra Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:75386219 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Because when I raided Projex 4, there was a guy inside there that was using headglitch. I was using a fully loaded Sig. Evidence: I have no evidence what happened but I got this...
  9. MachineGunO

    RR for Cakes

    Lol mate, i saw my friend was in problem so i helped him with shooting the swat and the cops and when i have shot them i took the ak on the ground. So what is the problem? I'm confused
  10. MachineGunO

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    (OOC Questions) -Steam Name: [PH]NightHunterDK -Age (OOC): 15 -Are YOU Active?: Very, I'm playing every time when i gets home and i will always be. -Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:75386219 -Total playtime: 2 weeks. (ALMOST 3 WEEKS) -Are you a VIP: Yes. (IC Questions) -Ingame name: Felix Wilson...
  11. MachineGunO

    AR on Sake

    When i came up the stairs i saw you with a gun, i tried many times putting it in the attack mode but somehow it glitched the fuck out and i thought i could go down the stairs fast and get some cover and put it up. But im sorry for doing it, i paniced really so much and i didin't think about the...