Search results

  1. Congrats

  2. Congrats

  3. Bulgaria ain't that bad

    Bulgaria ain't that bad
  4. o7

  5. Happy birthday George

    Happy birthday George
  6. Server Suggestion When a person dies from an explosion there shouldn't be DNA.

    Suggestion Title: When a person dies from an explosion there shouldn't be DNA. Suggestion Description: Pretty simple. Make it so there is no DNA whenever a person dies from an explosion. Explosives- remote bomb, timed bomb, all the grenades and car bomb. Why should this be added?: - Realism...
  7. happy birthday

    happy birthday
  8. happy birthday!

    happy birthday!
  9. Congrats!

  10. Congarts!!!

  11. Congrats

  12. Congrats

  13. Congrats

  14. Congrats!

  15. Bug Report (Invisible wall under the highway at Gast Alley)

    Type of Bug: Map Description of the Bug: Invisible wall under the highway at Gast Alley How to reproduce the Bug: fix the wall Time Stamp: none Errors: none Media:
  16. Happy birthday!!!

    Happy birthday!!!
  17. Happy birthday

    Happy birthday
  18. Congrats

  19. Congrats

  20. Happy birthday

    Happy birthday
  21. 3up

  22. Happy birthday

    Happy birthday
  23. happy birthday

    happy birthday
  24. Happy birthday

    Happy birthday
  25. Server Suggestion SS having their taser already equipped.

    Suggestion Title: SS having their taser already equipped. Suggestion Description: SS should have their tasers equipped like the PD. Currently its a waste of time to equip them, and some players have gotten used to the PD system. Why should this be added?: - QoL change for the SS job. What...
  26. Refund Request (fokus-rado08)

    also forgot to type it but 1x MK 2 grenade
  27. Refund Request (fokus-rado08)

    Your Steam Name: fokus-rado08 Your Roleplay Name: Radoslav Stoyanov Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:756225799 Reason for Request: STEAM_0:0:146059195 did MRDM Requested Items: 1x AK-101 with mag and stock 1x Red dot 1x rifle compensator Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff...
  28. Upgrading

  29. Tango 2 is out of service :(

    Tango 2 is out of service :(