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  1. Skudist

    12.15: Following distance

    Instead of this, we could have it like the German law. Your current speed (km/h)/2= Your minimum distance from the vehicle in front of you. Yet again, this will be most likely rarely used as you can not exactly calculate distances within PERP. And the law suggested by Riekelt would bring a lot...
  2. Skudist


  3. Skudist

    Social-Democratic Party of Paralake City

    We are the Social-Democratic Party of Paralake City and one of three parties seated in the Paralake City Council. We are a centre-left and social-democratic party with currently five members. Our goals as the SPPC; Change in regards to the current firearm laws (see MGWB program) Support for...
  4. Skudist

    Happy Birthday dear Supreme Leader!

    Happy Birthday dear Supreme Leader!
  5. Skudist
  6. Skudist

    Wir warten auf dich!

    Wir warten auf dich!
  7. Skudist

    Social-Democratic Party of Paralake City

    Dear people of Paralake City, Today at 4:25 PM GMT +2, we had a meeting lasting an hour and we came to the conclusion, to change the MGWB program a bit. In total, our MGWB program will be the following: Stage 1 weaponry: Pistols; Pistols may be carried anywhere but government buildings...
  8. Skudist

    Ich habe nun genug Beweise gesammelt, dass alle Geschehnisse an meiner Rede pure Propaganda und...

    Ich habe nun genug Beweise gesammelt, dass alle Geschehnisse an meiner Rede pure Propaganda und versuchte Manipulation war.
  9. Skudist

    Social-Democratic Party of Paralake City

    To clear up, I have never been arrested for anything related to firearms or illegal substances. The picture above was me being detained during a speech due to someone having illegal substances (same goes to the magazine) dropped on the stage. I have reported this to the police and I was let go...
  10. Skudist
  11. Skudist

    Social-Democratic Party of Paralake City

    Dear Social-Democrats and Social-Democracy admirers! To make our plans real, we need you to vote for me, Stefan Bachmeier, Chairman of the Social-Democratic Party of Paralake City for City Councillor here; Vote today, for independence, unity within the...
  12. Skudist

    Resignation and goodbye

    You always had a mingy side of yourself and a serious side when needed. However, sometimes we were only able to see your mingy side, for example in your videos (which in the end cost you a ban, I suppose). This was also one of the reasons why you were demoted as staff member. Criticism towards...
  13. Skudist

    Social-Democratic Party of Paralake City

    Our goals as the SPPC; New laws for firearms We would like to ban military-grade weaponry (automatic rifles, heavy sniper rifles) but therefore permit concealed carry in the public for concealed carry weaponry. Our suggestion, a change of the laws 7.3 - 7.6. More support for workers To...
  14. Skudist


  15. Skudist

    Planning on doing something else anyway.

    Planning on doing something else anyway.