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  1. MrAaron

    The Niko Crime Family

    I’m gonna fuck you up
  2. MrAaron

    Welcome to PerpHeads

    Yes Standish
  3. MrAaron


    Still alive Return soon xxxx
  4. MrAaron

    You better not be a real fed

    You better not be a real fed
  5. MrAaron

    Ah know few people from there

    Ah know few people from there
  6. MrAaron

    Where u from in brum cunt

    Where u from in brum cunt
  7. MrAaron

    Where you from in brum

    Where you from in brum
  8. MrAaron


    How’s you know 23 drillas lol
  9. MrAaron

    hi guys

    honestly so shit
  10. MrAaron


    You from brum you two @luke5763 @CensoredExe if so where man I’m from erdington
  11. MrAaron

    Post Your Car Thread

    My whip, More here if you want Car
  12. MrAaron

    Who the fuck are u

    Who the fuck are u
  13. MrAaron

    Hi and happy Christmas

    Why are still the same people I left playing
  14. MrAaron

    Hi and happy Christmas

    Alright guys happy Christmas me and lewis will come back one day maybe Been two years or so 7 years since I joined
  15. MrAaron

    2020-07-05 PH 7th Anniversary / Change Log

    Feel great to have watched the community grow from when I was 14 and first joined and met @Pear, here’s to the future PERP I will play again soon.
  16. MrAaron

    How’s you and garo man

    How’s you and garo man
  17. MrAaron

    My g

    My g
  18. MrAaron

    Summer Thoughts?

    my business is currently doing a bit shit but waiting for summer to open the clubs again so it’s booming
  19. MrAaron

    Legalising weed

    I would say don’t legalise and this is coming from my perspective which has a decent amount of knowledge in the business. I’ve seen people smoke bud for time and it honestly has fucked up some of the people I know my making them completely different and go off the rails to lazy and just...
  20. MrAaron

    GREAT Staff team! GREAT community!

    Back when we were mod we used to run it still and had it under control
  21. MrAaron

    PERPHeads unofficial wiki: A community project I'm holding my breath about.

    Sounds like Paralake newspaper all over again
  22. MrAaron


    on my head and not moved anywhere it’s just the angle g
  23. MrAaron

    What are you drinking this xmas

    Jack Daniels
  24. MrAaron


    Here’s my weird face
  25. MrAaron

    Cali Cartel app

    IC Name: Aaron Doman Cars: Bugatti 16.4, Bugatti SS, McLaren P1, Mini and another car Firearms: 100 Money: 150k Playtime: 6 months OOC Age: 20 Steam ID: cba
  26. MrAaron


    You guys get special man? You know there’s more to perp than illegal activities? I trunk steal and casino it now guys fml
  27. MrAaron


    why do you think I work at Asda? Mate I live your PERP life in real life you spergs
  28. MrAaron

    Update Log - 18/12/2019

    @MrLewis return time
  29. MrAaron


    Might look like that but still make more than you son, tapped guy? Bitch I’m better looking than you my g
  30. MrAaron


    who the fuck you calling a neek:laughcry::laughcry: just add my snapchat aduffbeer1999 be easier