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  1. PhlyTrikx

    Xquality's Dev Log

  2. PhlyTrikx

    Fresh start -TzBlitz-

    Welcome back to the server, have fun and play nice. Try to focus on RPing correctly, and if you have issues following rules, don't hesitate to read through it every time you join to keep the rules fresh in your mind. ;)
  3. PhlyTrikx

    Xquality's Dev Log

    Fair enough.
  4. PhlyTrikx

    Xquality's Dev Log

    You could also make a t-shirt that says: "Admin On Patrol" or "Kiss The Admin"
  5. PhlyTrikx

    Xquality's Dev Log

    Something France related and I'll give you hug!
  6. PhlyTrikx

    Xquality's Dev Log

    Please, we need a sheep shagger t-shirt
  7. PhlyTrikx

    Xquality's Dev Log

  8. PhlyTrikx

    Xquality's Dev Log

  9. PhlyTrikx

    Hello world!

    Welcome to PerpHeads
  10. PhlyTrikx

    Server Event 03/05/14 8pm GMT Saturday.

    Damn. Shame I can't play. Have fun!
  11. PhlyTrikx

    PhlyTrikx's Inactivity Notice

    I'm back! :D
  12. PhlyTrikx

    PhlyTrikx's Inactivity Notice

    Hello, I would like to tell everyone that I willl be gone from the 26th to the 30th. I will be back shortly. Thanks!
  13. PhlyTrikx

    Ban Request / Refund request

    I can imagine that. Fuck.
  14. PhlyTrikx

    Ask for a favor.

    Here goes nothing: //Closed per OP request
  15. PhlyTrikx

    Sgt.James LOA

    See you soon you bastard!
  16. PhlyTrikx

    Current Suburbs houses be like.

    Sorry but... What the fuck is this? Some weird british stuff I presume. Ah, you crazy brits ;)
  17. PhlyTrikx

    I drew a unicorn

    Do you mean "too awesome"?
  18. PhlyTrikx

    I drew a unicorn

    Indeed, I'm very dissapointed...
  19. PhlyTrikx

    I drew a unicorn

    I'm pretty sure a unicorn has four legs, but ok :D (And why is the horn on it's "chest")
  20. PhlyTrikx

    I drew a unicorn

  21. PhlyTrikx

    Eric Clapton

    This man is telling the truth ;)
  22. PhlyTrikx

    Introduce Wadexas

    Welcome to the community.
  23. PhlyTrikx

    Inactive for some days! -Robin Ljungberg

    Have a great Easter Robin.
  24. PhlyTrikx

    Removal Of Skype Metagaming Rule

    That was amazing.
  25. PhlyTrikx

    Can't move upon spawning.

    Something you could do is rejoin 2-3 times, always works for me. ;)
  26. PhlyTrikx

    Best. Website. Ever.

    I really liked the design. 10/10 -PhlyTrikx Digest
  27. PhlyTrikx


    -support Unfortunately, I highly doubt that this is on the server devs' priority list.
  28. PhlyTrikx

    KaoticStealth Introduction

    Hey! Welcome to the community, hope you have fun here. :)