Search results

  1. Wescott

    Ban Apology (CONSOLE)

    Your ban was for an alt account with the same name, same IP login and with previous and current bans.
  2. Wescott

    Action Request (Oxistar)

    Player set a fire and placed a fuel can in an attempt to destroy a bazaar shop without any valid reason. Rules Broken: 2.5 - @Ox1star knowingly set a fire and placed a fuel can with the intention of blowing up the bazaar store and causing damage for no valid reason. 3.4 - @Ox1star broke laws in...
  3. Wescott

    Action Request (Eistee von Aldi)

    @ALDI GXNG used information from previous lives to attempt what I interpret as revenge on a player, which you both acknowledge to having no negative interaction within your current life at that time with, prior to the fish being burnt. Rules broken: 2.1 - Player unrealistically placed a stove...
  4. Wescott

    Perpheads 10 Year Anniversary

    @Dave is already planning raids from the photos.
  5. Wescott


    I don't care what others say but you can't beat a Hawaiian
  6. Wescott

    Action Request (Eistee von Aldi)

    This player doesn't have a forum account so I will attempt to reach out to them via discord.
  7. Wescott

    Action Request (Prince Nasheem)

    You will receive a warning due to your relatively clear record and no prior 2.5 punishments.
  8. Wescott

    Action Request (Prince Nasheem)

    @Huey Freeman (tagging isn't working so I have sent him a DM to respond on the forum) why did you shoot this person? You have 48 hours to respond.
  9. Wescott

    Action Request (Oxistar)

    @Ox1star can you please explain why you set fire and attempted to blow up that shop. You have 48 hours to respond.
  10. Wescott

    Refund Request (D3ADALIES)

    Sorry tagging isn't working on refund requests. Request for... 1 x AK74-U 1 x Rifle Comp 1 x AK-74U Stock 1 x Magazine for AK-74U
  11. Wescott

    Ban Apology (Wescott)

    Due to the large amount of punishments you have received last month.
  12. Wescott

    Ban Apology (Wescott)

    You and your mates revenge reported each other for the same rules, if I unban you I would have to do it for them. I don't take racism lightly and a one month ban is extremely generous, you'll be serving your full ban.
  13. Wescott

    Action Request (HowToGetName, and k4sp9rk)

    After a staff member translated what has been said and reviewing this video and one from an IG report I have reached the following conclusions. Rob Robbison played a discriminatory stereotype song, followed by an inappropriate comment as a follow up from an insult said by Bob Bobbison, then mic...
  14. Wescott

    Action Request (Mindaugas)

    @Mindaugas this community has a zero tolerance policy against the use of racial slurs and language. As it is clear from this video you user a racial slur you will be receiving a one month ban for 1.1 & 1.2. Using this language is utterly unacceptable and disgusting, if you use this again you...
  15. Wescott

    Ban Apology (Wescott)

    According to the logs you disconnected on your own choice, you replied to the report admitting guilt and within a second you disconnected, giving me the impression you wanted to try and get rid of that message. Because of that your ban will be staying in place for the full period.
  16. Wescott

    Action Request (HowToGetName)

    @Bob Bobbison please explain why you didn't comply? You have 24 hours to respond.
  17. Wescott

    Action Request (Mindaugas)

    @Bob Bobbison please can you clip the section from your demo and upload it to YT or another steaming platform.
  18. Wescott

    Action Request (Ethan)

    Player failed to cooperate under GP, throwing himself off the road in an unrealistic manner which would have surely resulted in excruciating pain or paralysation without any form of realistic assessment into the fall prior to jumping. The players reluctance to comply to orders from officers and...
  19. Wescott

    Action Request (Health & Safety at Work Act 1974)

    The player has been reluctant to respond to defend there actions, as a result they will be receiving a one day ban for 2.5 for running @dr.alex over without a valid reason.
  20. Wescott

    Action Request (tmac)

    @TylerMac clearly broke 3.4 in the presence of several officer, resulting in his death. Due to the player having three bans and two warnings this month and the players long membership to this community he should know better. Therefore, tmac will be receiving a one week ban for his actions.
  21. Wescott

    Action Request (tmac)

    Here the three issues I have with your defence... 1. In your POV I can see one officers head in front of the van. 2. A RTU officer drives past you. 3. Even if we neglect the other officer there and just look at Furio alone, he has a gun pointed at the vehicle and your friend, you’re within his...
  22. Wescott

    Action Request (tmac)

    @TylerMac can you please why you didn't comply under GP? You have 48 hours to respond. @klown @DanielRabbit stop contacting each other regarding this over steam, discord or whatever you're using to argue.
  23. Wescott

    Action Request (WePutBeltoOpps)

    Situations is already resolved.
  24. Wescott


    I've used the Artic Nova Pro's for a few weeks now and it's a great headset, the audio quality is great, very comfy and the mixer is easy to use and works perfectly well. I got mine here...
  25. Wescott

    Action Request (Ethan)

    This will be reviewed in 24 hours, if you have anything else to add please do it by then.
  26. Wescott

    Action Request (Health & Safety at Work Act 1974)

    This will be reviewed in 24 hours, if you have anything else to add please do it by then.
  27. Wescott

    Action Request (WePutBeltoOpps)

    @CapalotBlickyy this will be reviewed in 24 hours, you have until then to respond.
  28. Wescott

    who's the best player in perp?

    I agree, his accuracy is off the scale. His gun was so scared of him that it missed every shot out of sheer pressure. You know it's bad when you can't tell if you're being raided or they're just taking the piss.
  29. Wescott

    Action Request (N/A)

    This was dealt with IG at the time.
  30. Wescott

    Ban Apology (wescott)

    You're being unbanned, however, any further rule breaks for 2.5 or 3.4 will result in a longer ban.