Search results

  1. Wescott

    Server Suggestion Re-Armour From Your Police Car & Revamped Armour

    I never said that I want cops re-armouring in a shootout. In the suggestion I said that cops re-armouring mid shootout is a weakness of it, I then mentioned that steps would have to be taken to combat this issue such as rules that can be enforced. It should be treated as confiscating weapons...
  2. Wescott

    Server Suggestion Re-Armour From Your Police Car & Revamped Armour

    Suggestion Title: Re-Armour From Your Police Car & Revamped Armour Suggestion Description: I’m sure this has been suggested before or I’m just dumb and it’s already thing but being able to re-armour or change your vest plate from the trunk of your police car would be amazing. It’s always...
  3. Wescott

    Improving 12.1 Jaywalking Law

    true, jaywalking is hard to enforce but you can’t go around putting everyone in jail for it and increasing the fine will only cause more problem. Enforcing it on the highways is much easier as you could argue someone running on the highway is breaking law 9.8 reckless endangerment as it could...
  4. Wescott

    Rule Suggestion (3.5 New Life Rule)

    I’m both for and against this… Against The majority of cops have pistols which stacks the odds against the police. For example, I’m based out of the UAE, so I usually play between 5 and 10pm GST (1-6pm GMT) where there aren’t many police on (the average for the last week that I’ve noticed is...
  5. Wescott

    Oliver Wescott Introduction

    Jack! it has been too long, hopefully I'll see you in game. Thank you.
  6. Wescott

    Oliver Wescott Introduction

    Dam yeah, god I forgot about that :laughcry: those were the days. I'll be on in a few hours if either of you will be
  7. Wescott

    Oliver Wescott Introduction

    What do you mean?
  8. Wescott

    Oliver Wescott Introduction

    I don't think we have, thank you and lovely to meet you! :)
  9. Wescott

    Oliver Wescott Introduction

    Thank you :)
  10. Wescott

    Oliver Wescott Introduction

    Hello (again), I first joined PH in 2016 back when the server was in its infancy, I disappeared in 2019 as my education and career took priority. Since joining the community I have completed three levels of education, obtained my degree and relocated halfway around the world for work which is...
  11. Wescott

    AR on Justin Smith

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Wescott / Oliver Wescott His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Stone / Justin Smith His/Her SteamID: Unknown Why Should This Player Be Punished: This player broke rule 3.20 disconnecting from the server & 3.24 Staying in Character, we got a 911 call saying someone was breaking...
  12. Wescott

    2 A's, 5 B's 2 C's so I'm over the moon

    2 A's, 5 B's 2 C's so I'm over the moon
  13. Wescott

    Oliver Wescott

    Thanks mate this means a lot, we've had a lot of great roleplay moments and you and @Moon The Goon always provide nothing but excellent roleplay and it's always a pleasure to interact with you two in-game and I hope to start getting more involved in the community and interacting with you guys...
  14. Wescott

    AR on Luca Anderrson

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Wescott / Oliver Wescott His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Unknown / Luca Anderrson His/Her SteamID: Unknown Why Should This Player Be Punished: This player broke rule 3.20 disconnecting from the server, he ran over a civilian at intersection for no reason and when pursued by...
  15. Wescott

    Selling/Buying Premium

    Selling Premium Your Steam Name: Wescott Your Roleplay name: Oliver Wescott Selling Price (In-game money): 30 days: 80K, 90 days: 220K length of premium (30 days, 90 days or 180 days): 30 & 90 days. Still selling (Please update how many left you can sell, or if you are still or still not...
  16. Wescott

    WAGWAN Applications

    OOC Steam name: Wescott Age: 16 IC Name: Oliver Wescott Firearms level: 49 Cars that you own: Escalade Marksmanship: My rifle marksmanship is 3, however, my pistol and shotgun marksmanship are higher because they're the guns I use the most.
  17. Wescott

    The Paralake Pikeys.

    Nice rank names XD. Good luck with the org and I hope it works out great! :)
  18. Wescott

    Movie Downloads?

    If you download Kodi and then install an addon called "Exodus" you'll have pretty much every film you can think about to stream and there are ways to download the movies as well but that will be explained within the addon once everything has been set up correctly. Have fun on holiday and I hope...
  19. Wescott

    Bazaar Security

    Good luck with the org! :)
  20. Wescott

    11.10 Fire Escapes

    This law is a good idea however it would be hard to police due to how out the way the fire exits are, I guess it would be useful when people get caught using the fire exits to gain access to an apartment so they can raid it but besides that it would be something quite out the way to police...
  21. Wescott

    Husky's Goodbye Post.

    Sad to see you go, I hope you come back one day and good luck with whatever you choose to do!
  22. Wescott

    Thanks, I just need them for my A levels but I finished them on Friday and I think they went...

    Thanks, I just need them for my A levels but I finished them on Friday and I think they went okay so fingers crossed.
  23. Wescott

    Goodbye for a while

    What do you mean you can drive me car, you recked it twice in the space of two days and you only drove twice XD. Best of luck with everything!
  24. Wescott

    My Encounter Today

    Hello, Firstly, I would like to apologise for the title of this post because I was kind of lost on what to call this because it's meant to be in a nice and not grumpy tone. Today I was chilling in Bazzar when I and my friend started having a chat with someone where some mean words were...
  25. Wescott

    General Science Revision

    I've added exam papers for as many exam boards as possible with both higher and foundation. :)
  26. Wescott

    General Science Revision

    Thanks, I've done six of my twenty-two and I'm dreading the rest.:( No problem, I'll be adding some past papers soon for AQA which people will be able to use. Hopefully, will be added by the end of the day :)
  27. Wescott

    General Science Revision

    Hello, Like many of you I'm currently sitting my GCSE's and I was thinking of ways to revise effectively but also make it accessible to other people to be able to use the resources and have access to the revision I do mainly because I have nine science exams and as many of you could imagine...
  28. Wescott

    Old School Mafia

    Our recruitment cycle is now closed.
  29. Wescott

    Police Quick Easy Law Guide

    Hello everyone, When I first joined the police force I made myself a quick easy guide which gives you the law number, law title, jail sentence and misdemeanour ticket amount. This has helped me speed up the amount of time it takes for me to issue ticket and process people due to me being able...
  30. Wescott

    Old School Mafia

    Recruitment cycle will be OPEN until 27/5/2017 where it will be closed while we manage a few things with the organisation.