Search results

  1. MILKY

    New Citizen

    welcome back lil homie, enjoy ur stay and feel free to contact me if any help is needed <3
  2. MILKY

    Congrats Brodie. FREEEEEEEEE [ATTACH]

    Congrats Brodie. FREEEEEEEEE
  3. MILKY

    Los Pollos Hermanos - A PERPHeads Montage

    top tier editing
  4. MILKY

    New here

    Welcome to the server, I hope you enjoy your stay and have a great experience
  5. MILKY

    hi, im new bossman.

    Welcome to the server, enjoy your stay!
  6. MILKY

    new player

    Welcome to the server, enjoy your stay!!!!
  7. MILKY

    Server Suggestion Send images frames to storage on explosion

    Suggestion Title: Fix this issue!!!! Suggestion Description: Make posters and img frames go to storage if bombed. Just like wooden fences do Why should this be added?: - less annoying/aids What negatives could this have?: - nothing Useful Images...
  8. MILKY

    New to Perpheads

    Welcome to the server rockit, hope you have a great stay <3
  9. MILKY

    Mallardtage no.3

    me driving on highway and crashing in to You “gg”
  10. MILKY

    $10m Giveaway and a goodbye

    My dream car is mercendes mckari SLR ;)
  11. MILKY


  12. MILKY


    Looks like one of those TikTok warzone load outs
  13. MILKY


    Rifles: aug with comp and Red dott skin Pistol: Glock 20/ots/m9 with silencer and red dot Smg: mp9 with silencer and Red dot Extras: BOMBS AND GRANADES
  14. MILKY

    Food and beverage decals featuring community member references.

    Milky milk (freshest 4,2% fat milk)
  15. MILKY


    This is money talk:singing:
  16. MILKY


  17. MILKY

    thank you mr cop main

    thank you mr cop main
  18. MILKY

    Nice Spelling retord

    Nice Spelling retord
  19. MILKY

    Thank you

    Thank you
  20. MILKY

    Thank you

    Thank you
  21. MILKY

    Thank you

    Thank you
  22. MILKY

    Apparently not the first time I have been moaning and someone clipped it [MEDIA]

    Apparently not the first time I have been moaning and someone clipped it
  23. MILKY

    Salam Alaikum people

  24. MILKY

    Salam Alaikum people

    Hello People Don't think I have made one of these introduction posts before. So I decided to make a half-assed one. So I am going to start off by introducing myself. My name is Firuz IRL, also known as MILKY/FIRULAI online and as Tyrone Watson in the game. I am a Guy born in 2001 in...
  25. MILKY

    What did Perpheads teach you / what are you actively learning from it?

    that people are really sensitive
  26. MILKY


    Updated picture of your favorite troll
  27. MILKY

    Post Funny perp related videos here that you want to share

    Keep the videos coming <3
  28. MILKY

    Post Funny perp related videos here that you want to share

    so far I have seen some valid videos:laughcry::laughcry:
  29. MILKY

    Happy Birthday Loser!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy Birthday Loser!!!!!!!!!!!!