Search results

  1. DB 0.2


    FUCK, u caught me
  2. DB 0.2


    Just trying to get rid of the clips @Ashur @Kay @flux
  3. DB 0.2

    PERPHeads 2021 CS:GO Tournament - Teams and times.

    PM me if someone left!
  4. DB 0.2


  5. DB 0.2

    Map Suggestion Slums/Projex Sink

    i honestly was gonna make a suggestion for this aswell, as its aids to cover up windows.
  6. DB 0.2

    Post your setup

  7. DB 0.2

    N1g steals my steam name, I’ll call the army on u

    N1g steals my steam name, I’ll call the army on u
  8. DB 0.2

    perpheads montage

    My DB
  9. DB 0.2


    Curak is a really good guy i’ve Known him for ages now so good recommendation
  10. DB 0.2

    Bro wtf evade for no reason!!!!

    Bro wtf evade for no reason!!!!
  11. DB 0.2

    Hi Im Bobity

    I thought ur @Jimmy Jackson cuz he used to have that pfp
  12. DB 0.2

    TFU Main - A PERPHeads Montage

    Ur a bad guy
  13. DB 0.2


    Sad to see u go, but still u tag the whole staff and not us :(
  14. DB 0.2

    goodbye for now

    My g
  15. DB 0.2

    Am innocent

    Am innocent
  16. DB 0.2

    Bye everyone

    Hello, am here to say that am going to leave perp, Many of u dont care but amma say it incase u wonder where i went, big ups to @Jack Bushross,@Ryan O"Neil(no forum acc),@ShadowTyler,@ShadowJoey,@JBirksy, and many otheres that know i'd tag em but i just cant type everyone's name, amma just...
  17. DB 0.2

    MY G

    MY G
  18. DB 0.2

    am not muslim!

    am not muslim!
  19. DB 0.2

    Paralake Ballas applications

    +rep to filip, u guys should accept him,I would if I were u.
  20. DB 0.2


  21. DB 0.2

    كل عام وانت بخير

    كل عام وانت بخير
  22. DB 0.2

    Server Suggestion Phone scale setting

  23. DB 0.2

    Entire inventory refusing to work

    i also had it, fixed it by droping the gun and take it back but it should be fixed its aids
  24. DB 0.2

    Zonda trunk

    it will be the best car in perp
  25. DB 0.2

    Zonda trunk

  26. DB 0.2

    Police Clips

    Stop using mouse wheel to bring up ur gun.
  27. DB 0.2

    perp clips 4

    nice shit, on 0:29 i hide in that corner was on tetris with 22k score lmao
  28. DB 0.2

    Zonda trunk

    Description of the idea: Add a slot or 2 slots for the zonda Why should this be added? (pros): Currently the zonda has no trunk slots it'd be better to add some. What negatives could this have? (cons): everyone would jump and buy it so its not rare anymore? *Other additions: nothin *Images: N/A
  29. DB 0.2

    money exploit [TUTORIAL]

    out the car blyat @Alcapone
  30. DB 0.2

    what is mcdonald's called
