Search results

  1. Snusmus

    Amy Best will fix

    Amy Best will fix
  2. Snusmus

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  3. Snusmus

    I agree

    I agree
  4. Snusmus


  5. Snusmus

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  6. Snusmus


    I want to know what guns everyone likes! This could also make it easier for people that wants to sell guns in their shop, to know what guns is most popular! What's your favorite gun(s)?
  7. Snusmus

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  8. Snusmus

    Happy Birthday!!

    Happy Birthday!!
  9. Snusmus

    What gifts did you get for Christmas 2022

    Graphics card, shot glass kit and sum soap. But no socks :(
  10. Snusmus

    PERPHeads Christmas Calendar 2022

    Same, I feel betrayed and scammed T-T #CancelTylaJai
  11. Snusmus

    Mental Health this time of the year

    This is so important! Take care of each other! There will always be people ready to help during hard times! And remember to check up on your close ones <3
  12. Snusmus

    $4.000.000 Mega New Year's Giveaway!

    I'm not in on the giveaway but I'll say what my New years resolutions are anyways! :D I'm gonna become a better version of myself Only drink once in a while due to work and I've started to hate it tbh Go to work more often! 2023 is the year to become better, to try and to fail but also to...
  13. Snusmus

    I hosted an event

    I built a little house on the iced lake, Thanks to @Oddy for helping me with building it and coming up with cool ideas! I had 4 elves that kept escaping (because santa gives minimum wage) and the people that found them and brought them back got 25k per elf! I wanna thank my elves! Busty Elf...
  14. Snusmus

    Great time back

    Very sad to see you leave, and sad to see that certain people is ruining your time on here. I hope to see you around whether it’s on perp, discord or a different game! Merry christmas!
  15. Snusmus

    Funny moments

    I swear I said the bigger ones T-T
  16. Snusmus

    Looking for actors!

    I'm like THE best actor UwU
  17. Snusmus

    Ban Dispute (3izu)

    Just gonna throw my 2 cents in here. He accidently dropped the doll, he said he didn't mean to drop it, I told you to give it back to him and you didn't. You then told him that if he sells you 10 ak-101s for 200k you'd give it back, you then ran off. I gunpointed you and told you to give it...
  18. Snusmus


  19. Snusmus

    You're KOS

    You're KOS
  20. Snusmus

    Model Suggestion Penguin prop

    Suggestion Title: Penguin prop Suggestion Description: Make a penguin prop like the penguin doll! Just like the snowman prop BUT it's a penguin :D Why should this be added?: - Because it's penguins What negatives could this have?: - Nothing, it's penguins.
  21. Snusmus

    Damn still haven't got back the helper rank on forums T-T

    Damn still haven't got back the helper rank on forums T-T
  22. Snusmus

    Literally what it sounded like when I was a child

    Literally what it sounded like when I was a child
  23. Snusmus

    return of the white knight

  24. Snusmus

    return of the white knight

    I want to thank Collier for saving me! @MiniRaze and @A1L were gonna punch me to death! But Collier stepped in and saved me :cool:
  25. Snusmus

    Community Suggestion Helper ranks.

    This right here! Well explained
  26. Snusmus

    Community Suggestion Helper ranks.

    No you
  27. Snusmus

    Community Suggestion Helper ranks.

    This is actually a very good idea! It's a lot us helpers can help out with but we're very limited on permissions. Most helpers is going for enforcer (you can very much see it on enforcer apps) and I think a lot of it is because we lack permissions, of course it's something we need to work...
  28. Snusmus


  29. Snusmus

    No Amy BEST has returned

    No Amy BEST has returned
  30. Snusmus

    I want a raccoon

    I want a raccoon