Search results

  1. GamingPeach

    AR on Josef

    The guy died bleed out, so don't get all funny with me when you don't even know what happened, you have the vision of a mindless goat; can't seem to get a full understanding of the situation can you?
  2. GamingPeach

    AR on Josef

    Hi, I would like to address this action request as i was the initial officer that called this entire situation in. You have created an action request as Josef decided it was more beneficial for him to take his chances than surrender, you have failed to look at this situation from a whole...
  3. GamingPeach

    Old Scoreboard

    Who remembers this?
  4. GamingPeach

    Update Log - 11/11/2018

    Roadcrew anti-fly functionality is less sensitive Yessssss
  5. GamingPeach


    nice try but no.
  6. GamingPeach


  7. GamingPeach


    Hello Perpheads, @Josef I've been back a little bit now and had the opportunity to spend some quality time on perpheads, during this time have noticed a few members who are really outstanding and make perpheads what it is today for a number of reasons. The member i have high lighted is Josef...
  8. GamingPeach


    Thanks for the giveaway I’ll go for 27.
  9. GamingPeach

    Update Log - 04/11/2018

    speaks the truth and only the truth.
  10. GamingPeach

    Chris Deam Recommendation

    @RapidMadman007 This officer has shown great competence and i believe he would make a great supervisor down the line when the time is right. Good luck Chris.
  11. GamingPeach


    My setting is already on that and it updated gmod and still couldn't join btw.
  12. GamingPeach

    Liam Puka Action Request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Misel/Nikola Rodic His/Her Steam/In-game Name: GamerTron/ Liam Puka His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:122752424 Why Should This Player Be Punished: He randomly ran an officer down. He then randomly started a police chase. He then blank gun point. He then finally got out of a...
  13. GamingPeach

    Change how the AFK system works

    +support Definitely a good idea with some potential altering but the foundation is good.
  14. GamingPeach

    Server Suggestion Chop Shop NPC

    -support One of the major factors of perp is the economy and how much effort goes into earning money and by making an easy way to earn thousands would ruin that valuable economy which Perpheads has been using for years. Sorry I cannot support this and would be extremely surprised if it was...
  15. GamingPeach

    AR GamingPeach

    Hello @bobo Please read my response as it’s clear you haven’t, I have also given proof of my connection log to @Draxen and the comment about the previous ban is no needed as you have no clue who I am or my background in this community, your friend Misel has given proof to draxen of him...
  16. GamingPeach

    AR GamingPeach

    Hello, First off, why are you jumping on peoples car that just not sensible or serious roleplay which this server tries to give people. For the events that occurred i was lagging and actually lost connection to the server itself ; i am sure staff members can see this through the logs. Same...
  17. GamingPeach

    thank you

    thank you
  18. GamingPeach

    Thank you

    Thank you
  19. GamingPeach

    Thank you and happy to be back

    Thank you and happy to be back
  20. GamingPeach

    awww i know remember u properly and i miss that dam P1 ;'(

    awww i know remember u properly and i miss that dam P1 ;'(
  21. GamingPeach

    what was ur in-game name again?

    what was ur in-game name again?
  22. GamingPeach

    hello old friend :)

    hello old friend :)
  23. GamingPeach

    Hello? have u changed ur name?

    Hello? have u changed ur name?
  24. GamingPeach

    Henk's introduction

    Welcome! This community strives to get decent players like yourself! (I presume your a good player) and I know the paralake police department love good officer hopefully your as good as I've heard. Anyways enjoy your stay buddy.
  25. GamingPeach

    [SOLVED] Microphone doesn't work on GMOD ect

    Sossa, Err legit that's odd maybe try a different server I will get back to you if I think of anything else, but good luck I guess. Peach,
  26. GamingPeach

    [SOLVED] Microphone doesn't work on GMOD ect

    Hello Sossa, Regarding your issue I was wondering is it just not projecting your sound even though the little icon appears (or your mouth moves in-game more so on perp) or is that you press the button and nothing happens, This is vital information. Thanks, Peach
  27. GamingPeach

    Adrish it was used for fair use as he wasn't using it for a profitable reason. However, chris...

    Adrish it was used for fair use as he wasn't using it for a profitable reason. However, chris you're right I am not saying your not this is a community with its own rules its a luxury to have the chance to play on perp.
  28. GamingPeach

    also You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory...

    also You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful...
  29. GamingPeach

    now why would I have a community-wide ban?

    now why would I have a community-wide ban?
  30. GamingPeach

    If you see this msg on your profiterole please paste it three other profiles or nasty profiteroles!

    If you see this msg on your profiterole please paste it three other profiles or nasty profiteroles!