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  1. pingu


    Hey, I'm not really good at these things but i'm The Standard Worker Ant. I'm a seventeen year old currently living in not so great Britain. My family originates from Ireland, and I hope to one day go back, probably once the counties are unified. I'm not new to roleplay, but I am new to PERP...
  2. pingu

    Sir Zac

    Not only a great dispatcher, but a super nice lad too.
  3. pingu

    PERPHeads Staff Team Easter Giveaway

    Consider this a reply. Why not.
  4. pingu

    Inability to join.

    Ah, yes. That seemed to fix the issue. I do appreciate that guys, thank you!
  5. pingu

    Inability to join.

    Hello, I do apologise for having to take to the forums about this issue, but i'm totally stumped. I've been trying to join PERPHeads for a while now, but it just doesn't seem to work. The problem itself is rather simple, as I join, and the rules load up, I crash. There is no error message that...