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  1. Taylor

    lelios you're a fucking nLgger

    lelios you're a fucking nLgger
  2. Taylor

    sorry people might think im saying naggers, i do apologlotiwes unban

    sorry people might think im saying naggers, i do apologlotiwes unban
  3. Taylor

    i wasn't being racist i was saying a fact, i was telling imperial that once ginger autocorrected...

    i wasn't being racist i was saying a fact, i was telling imperial that once ginger autocorrected to the n word because i use it a lot as A JOKE with my good old Black friends such as blacky (aka blicky).
  4. Taylor

    Hello it seems i cannot see shoutbox

    Hello it seems i cannot see shoutbox
  5. Taylor

    Put a load of shit clips together and added rave music

    that was a really good insult
  6. Taylor


    Appealing for: rating ban Appeal type: just unban me Which staff member banned you: @Aquaa How long were you banned for: Perma Why were you banned/blacklisted: i dumb rating'd someone like 5 times in a row, BUT they were for valid reasons. BUT IM SORRY. Why should this appeal be considered...
  7. Taylor

    Why aren't you playing?

    @Madda can i get enforcer if i rim lick u
  8. Taylor

    Why aren't you playing?

    @Wiki i don;t do that shit no more i just use my zwai gearset
  9. Taylor

    Why aren't you playing?

    @Wiki honestly retard i have your address and selfies your going down
  10. Taylor

    Why aren't you playing?

    @Wiki honestly you're getting ddosed wiki if you don't shut the fuck up
  11. Taylor

    Why aren't you playing?

    @thehomelessdude Oop
  12. Taylor

    Why aren't you playing?

    i think we need people that dont make AR's for jumping oh whoops
  13. Taylor

    your staff deletes me for speaking out11!!11! im very fuming...

    your staff deletes me for speaking out11!!11! im very fuming
  14. Taylor


    "you've done this like 5 times, why? What do you want? A new result or something? " The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
  15. Taylor

    Why aren't you playing?

    @Madda yeah bitch what u tryna say
  16. Taylor


    personally i really like this TV show, especially when the main protagonist kills himself.
  17. Taylor

    Why aren't you playing?

    they can't ban me.
  18. Taylor

    ok serious offer here, you spawn me money, i sell the money and we split the profits

    ok serious offer here, you spawn me money, i sell the money and we split the profits
  19. Taylor

    spawn me 20 mil

    spawn me 20 mil
  20. Taylor

    happy fag

    happy fag
  21. Taylor

    im just going to leave ICEKILLERS voice here

    sounds like a retarded midget
  22. Taylor


  23. Taylor

    because they can't ban me

    because they can't ban me
  24. Taylor

    Why aren't you playing?

    Megafro u are also a faggot
  25. Taylor

    Why aren't you playing?

    moons too bright, hinders my gameplay.
  26. Taylor

    u too spoon

    u too spoon
  27. Taylor

    im removing you from the rust clan

    im removing you from the rust clan
  28. Taylor

    kill yourself strobez, madda dont unban him

    kill yourself strobez, madda dont unban him
  29. Taylor

    like my message idyot

    like my message idyot