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  1. Taylor

    send me your clips

  2. Taylor

    Reset my phone - Every memo

    I really thought u changed Ceri, when u tell someone what u spent 400 in a month on. I really given up on caring bout your future Ceri, if u don't care a shit, y should I. I dnt care what u do with your money, cause when it gone then u have nothing to fall back on and no car by the end of it, u...
  3. Taylor

    very sad video

    t h i s.... i s .... s o... d e e p
  4. Taylor


    im pointing out that you were also toxic to dai calling him a sheep shagger at one point and being toxic to everyone in shoutbox, and then you also joke about you being a druggo crackhead dad.
  5. Taylor

    [Grave Side]

    org war started bitch b u s i n e s s
  6. Taylor

    Wheel to select acts

    @bobo just pay him he will make us default dance
  7. Taylor

    Good ol times

    Good ol times
  8. Taylor

    Recently bought an apt in Switzerland, tips

    it all comes down to one thing B u s i n e s s
  9. Taylor


    i literally flexed so hard rn
  10. Taylor


  11. Taylor


    im about to post something to flex so hard on yall bitches
  12. Taylor


    is this all u care about, god damn PD
  13. Taylor


    M a r m i t e
  14. Taylor

    lmao who sells money and gets caught

    lmao who sells money and gets caught
  15. Taylor


    trying to fill your bank account to sell perp cash and steal my customers? asshole
  16. Taylor

    Update Log - 03/03/2019

    @D3V did u post this so it looks like your actually doing something and u want to be involved
  17. Taylor

    wiki shut the fuck up i swear to god @Wiki

    wiki shut the fuck up i swear to god @Wiki
  18. Taylor

    Going to London

    shut the fuck up wiki
  19. Taylor

    Going to London

    just get stabbed
  20. Taylor

    Daigestive's Enforcer Application #3

    shut the fuck up wiki
  21. Taylor

    Shut the fuck up wiki

    Shut the fuck up wiki
  22. Taylor

    Enough with the Car Bomb RP

    fuck off wiki
  23. Taylor


    b u s i n e s s