Search results

  1. D3luX

    The Harpers Application

    Here you can apply for The Harper organization. Simply fill out the template and post your apply. IG Name / Steam Name: Age: Total Playtime: Combat Experience 1-10: Driving skills 1-10: Current money: Cars owned: Preferred Weapon: What can you offer us? Gangs you have been in: Whats your...
  2. D3luX


    Your n-game name: Chris Harper Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:25015916 What do you need refunded: This RR is for both me and Teby. What were lost is: 2 x M4A1, with m4a1 stock, full mag, holo sight and compensator. (Both mine) Why do you want your item(s) refunded: The user broke 3.4, and we could have...
  3. D3luX

    AR Chris Harper

    First of all i din't break NLR in any way. After i respawned, i returned to slums when NLR timer went out. Cops were still there, and some of you were in cuffs. I asked what happened, and were told you raided the slums appartment me and @Brinch owned. Two of my org members were standing outsite...
  4. D3luX

    AR on Ruby

    Your Steam/In-game Name: D3luX / Chris Harper His/Her Steam/In-game Name: ★ Ruby / Mitch Ralphie His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:61029503 Why Should This Player Be Punished?: The player broke rule 3.4, by not following gunpoint instructions. Don't even know how the guy inside knew my exact...
  5. D3luX

    RR - Multiple people

    Your n-game name: Chris Harper Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:25015916 What do you need refunded: This is a refund request for multiple people. What were lost is: 8 x Big Weed Plants 8 x Big Cocaine Plants 1 x M4A1, Fully Loaded with a Silencer. Why do you want your item(s) refunded: The user broke...
  6. D3luX

    How to get free m82 quickly

  7. D3luX

    AR on d3lux

    It was @Yaseen, he will explain you. I remember it was something with you mugged him at drug dealer, for an big amount, and he wanted revenge. There were not even any whitnesses? It got molotoved away from PD, and people where hidden. But yes, i was apart of it, as were im same organization...
  8. D3luX

    Lynk goodbye ?

    Goodbye mate. Goodluck with your future, and hope to see you again sometime. Had some fun police roleplay with you. Cya.
  9. D3luX

    Exiled RP Experience

    It is PERP? Just older version.
  10. D3luX

    Back in 3 months to catch up.

    Back in 3 months to catch up.
  11. D3luX


  12. D3luX

    AR on D3lux and Bobbie Ross

    What are you on about? I already had murder in my hands in the first place, so why would i give up my name, if i could be wanted? 10-15 minutes erlier or more, i drove over an guy that was attacking me, i saw cops at the body and a medic. And before that i had been in an shootout with the police...
  13. D3luX

    AR on D3lux and Bobbie Ross

    We saw an fullsize ambulance drive past us towards the scene, so we decided to drive around as bobby wanted me to turn around, so he could deal with it. And i think we weren't expecting that there already had arrived police at the scene. I think he changed look not to be recognized, which i was...
  14. D3luX

    AR on D3lux and Bobbie Ross

    How am i risking my freedom by saving an org member from an long jail sentece and ticket, plus i even had murder on my hands anyway. So helping out an friend wouldn't do much more harder sentence to me. Plus it all went great and fine. The incident at subs, were we killed the cops, leaving the...
  15. D3luX


    Your Steam/In-game Name: D3luX / Chris Harper His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Person 1 ( KappaPride / Jerry Reinfield) Police Officer Person 2 (*Dont know* / Nasul Winchster) SWAT His/Her SteamID: KappaPride - STEAM_0:1:67307965 Nasuuuul - STEAM_0:0:30726866 Why Should This Player Be Punished...
  16. D3luX

    Congratulations MrNazi

    Congratulations MrNazi
  17. D3luX

    AR on D3lux

    If you notice theres arrested people and bodies. I just got at the scene, and was going to save the people who was arrested and some who were trapped. And yes, the shootout was big, and not only me was included, but many others. And no, i already had alot of murders on my hands, shooting you...
  18. D3luX

    AR on D3lux

    If you look around 0:05 in your video you even see the SWAT, and when you are arriving, there is police cars all around the place. But i will find my demo, and upload it when i have the time to do it, if that is really needed. I can do it when im home at my desktop PC, where i was playing when...
  19. D3luX

    AR on D3lux

    There was an shootout going on between my org and the police. Saving some who were getting arrested for last shootout at parker, where they found DNA on dead police officers bodies. Im pretty sure thats even why you showed up there, because of the shootout and lifealerts. Well i seeked cover i...
  20. D3luX

    Just an normal day having trouble with the feds

    Just an normal day having trouble with the feds on PH. Was pretty easy though.
  21. D3luX

    Recommendation Of Riekelt

    Spraying down a wall, where unarmed citizens could have been captured behind as hostages? Sure, im gonna rate that "Best tactics".... Or not.
  22. D3luX

    AR on Riekelt

    This is where im asking you, why were you not fleeing from the area then while over more than 10 people with heavy guns were chasing you, to kill you because you have been shooting at us. Instead of keep driving around in the area and getting heavy shot at. I will still claim, i never seen...
  23. D3luX

    AR on Riekelt

    I was involved. And yes this was totally unrealistic. More than 6 people were gunpointing the Van, and i even used 6-10 mags on spraying it. And the only thing they were doing, was sitting in the stupid van, and trying running people over while driving around, and sometimes holding still...
  24. D3luX

    AR D3luX :)

    I choosed a bomb because it would put my life at less risk by engaging in a gunfight against a person defending while a bomb gave me the element of surprise. Also your appartment looked totally blocked up from the outsite, like a fortress.
  25. D3luX

    AR D3luX :)

    Since when is it not allowed to use a bomb to raid people with? So killing you with a bomb is 2.5? So would be killing you in a raid also be 2.5? I dont get it. You're home was totally blocked up, so i choosed to raid with a bomb instead, as it would be much easier to get through your defence.
  26. D3luX

    Building a computer soon

    I have seen the power of 1080. It does a really good job, well mine does on my monitor, Asus 27" LED G-Sync Rog Swift PG279Q.. I can even get the ASUS GeForce GTX 1080 Strix OC - 8GB to crack in graphics in some games on ultra, easily, which is the most powerfull gpu of all 1080's, so i have...
  27. D3luX

    You copied it because you saw our thread were we were posting videos of rekting everybody who...

    You copied it because you saw our thread were we were posting videos of rekting everybody who was in our way...
  28. D3luX

    Was a while ago boys

    Back in the good old days in Cosa Nostra! I never forget what ended up to be my one man army jailbreak because i shot my friend by a mistake, to get you out of jail, and you went AFK while i was doing it.
  29. D3luX


    Well, as you all may know i've recently recieved an perm ban, because we were a few left on the server, XQ started doing some fun banter with us, he left and we proceed a bit more. I had been doing a little raiding erlier and killed a few officers. An officer was in the area when we were doing...
  30. D3luX

    AR Chris Harper

    What i recall from this it was late night, not Manu People's om and complete banter. I were even not the one doing what i did. Everyone was shooting for fun, and cops already been there and did nothing, they even did some banter themself. We were just having a bit fun a late night. I was even...