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  1. D3luX

    CLOSE THIS PLEASE - AR on MrCupaCake

    -CLOSE THE THREAD PLEASE- I had an conversation with @MrCupaCake on steam, and he apologies for he's actions. Im willing to close this, with no actions made, as we have resolved it, and we can go back playing as friends.
  2. D3luX

    CLOSE THIS PLEASE - AR on MrCupaCake

    Your Steam/In-game Name: D3luX / Chris Anderson His/Her Steam/In-game Name: MrCupaCake / Jay Henderson His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:55622030 Why Should This Player Be Punished?: Rule 2.5 were broken because the SWAT officer shot me down right after i exited my vehicle as he told me to. My car...
  3. D3luX

    Happy birthday nerd

    Happy birthday nerd
  4. D3luX

    AR on Racecar Ronald And MidoTheCigar

    Breaking NLR?
  5. D3luX

    AR on Racecar Ronald And MidoTheCigar

    Your Steam/In-game Name: D3luX / Chris Anderson His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Racecar Ronald / Tommy Desimone MidoTheCigar / Salvatore Guenzette His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:44627859 and STEAM_0:0:85304339 Why Should This Player Be Punished...
  6. D3luX

    PERP photography!

    Pumpkin rage.. :woot:
  7. D3luX

    Ar on D3lux

    My side of this was that i had glass co, and i decided to raid you. After i respawned, i started crafting meth, and i decided to buy the water at gas station at bazar before returning to glass co, and that was where heard the explosion. I reported it to 911, and straight after, cops showed up...
  8. D3luX

    Kind of an Inactivity Post...

    Will miss you bro. Come back when you feel ready again to fuck up some kids. :) <3
  9. D3luX


    Your in-game name: Chris Anderson Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:25015916 What do you need refunded: Fully loaded M4A1 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: A guy was making meth in slums 3, and i was in slums 4, when all his shit exploded, which is kinda against 3.4, and you cant make meth in such a...
  10. D3luX

    AR pn D3luX - Disrespectful behavior

    Well, cant do shit about it now. Had the worst night ever on the server... How will you feel getting random raided over 10 times by the cops, causing loosing shit for 200k or more.. I fucked saying wrong things like "Go die".. Sorry. Shouldnt have been looc/ooc.. Im out, GG.
  11. D3luX

    AR pn D3luX - Disrespectful behavior

    Thats not being disrespectful. Said you had a mental problem for being random raid hungry.
  12. D3luX

    RR #2 - Subs this time

    Your in-game name: Chris Anderson Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:25015916 What do you need refunded: The known regal but, just happened to me in subs2. Suddently my shit got invisible, and just got screenshot, and then game crashed. Why do you want your item(s) refunded: 2 Big cocaine and 2 big weed...
  13. D3luX

    Ar on D3luX

    I got told to get you to leave, and you kept harrassing, which cop's dint do shit about and was about to leave. You wouldnt leave our property so we could close the door, and i though that the cops was gone, and after some warnings, and you still wouldnt leave, even when you was gunpointed, you...
  14. D3luX

    RR x2

    Your in-game name: Chris Anderson Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:25015916 What do you need refunded: Now my game have crashed 2 times being in regals, when a raid was ongoing, and my batches were done. Why do you want your item(s) refunded: 4 Big cocaine and 4 big weed Evidence: I can possible post...
  15. D3luX

    Action Request on D3lux

    First of all, i saw the guy you shot on the stairs right outsite with an AK, asked him what he was doing with it and he told me he was transporting, and i let him go. So when i got there, i knew it was his AK, and you had the m4a1 on your back, as the medic said he was killed with. Demo...
  16. D3luX

    RR on cocaine bug

    Your in-game name: Chris Anderson Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:25015916 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: My cocaine turned into something wierd.. Don't know how much it is, but cocaine doesnt a heigh weight, but the thing it turned into have a weight on 5kg. This also just to make sure that there...
  17. D3luX

    Refund Request - Combat medic

    Your in-game name: Tony Bonito Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:25015916 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: We was getting raided by cops, and we kept shooting them and the SWAT, but a combat medic kept revieving them, so we had no chance at the end. We lost M16A2, AK-47, And a Remington. We lost 2 big...
  18. D3luX

    The Imperial

    Who Are We? We are an organization who started in Paralake v2, and the organization was started by Layla Reagan, Tony Bonito, And Simon Emil. We started this organization between friends, but we are open for newcomers. What We Do? We are together as an family, and we do "stuff" together. We also...
  19. D3luX

    AR on Tony/Christian Fredriksen

    Did u get it working for @Jon Godinn ?? :)
  20. D3luX

    Refund request

    I did meth 2 times.. First time with 22 when i was there and second time when i shot me, 18, and some exploded
  21. D3luX

    Refund request

    There was no plants when i crashed. Only 15 meth
  22. D3luX

    Tony Bonito... Again

    Upload the .dem file... So they can see you tried to run me down and kept following me to ticket me and search me.
  23. D3luX

    AR on Tony Bonito.

    Why your using Tony Bonito??? Thats my name... Your using wrong name!
  24. D3luX

    Tony Bonito... Again

    You kept ticket me, and i had drugs on me. So i rushed away. Plus you tried to run me down as cop!
  25. D3luX

    Police Scanner Craftable Item

    + Support Would be awesome!
  26. D3luX

    The Growing Power Applications [Closed]

    Steam Name/SteamID: Tony/STEAM_0:1:25015916 IC Name: Tony Bonito IC Age: 22 Tell us about your IC persona?: Tony was born in Evo City, and have lived there all his life. He is a ex-marine, so good to handle weapons. He have a good knowledge to grow drugs, and will protect/help organization at...
  27. D3luX

    AR on Tony/Christian Fredriksen

    The only thing i did wrong here was taking the drugs, which i regret, and i gave them to the cops after, so they got confiscated.. Nothing else, i did wrong. You shot me infront of cops with an M4, nothing happened, and i bought all slums apartments, without knowing you had number 3, before i...