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  1. Jayo

    Jayo's Introduction!

    Introduction: Hello everyone that may be reading this! The basics! My name is Jayo(OOC) and Christopher Thompson(In-Game) and I believe this introduction thread is well overdue! I joined PerpHeads in 2014, looked around for a brief moment and left. I later came back in 2015 in which I realized...
  2. Jayo

    Thank you, Aidan!

    Thank you, Aidan!
  3. Jayo

    Shh, don't tell anyone about that quote! Haha

    Shh, don't tell anyone about that quote! Haha
  4. Jayo

    carlo AR

    I was one of the officers who witnessed this and I supplied one of the videos. He had broken so much rules that they are nearly impossible to list. Besides using the radio as a toy by burping and inaudible noises he also used racial slurs with and offended other people as an LEO. He continued to...
  5. Jayo

    Psst! That was not my point of view, it was the person making the AR, haha!

    Psst! That was not my point of view, it was the person making the AR, haha!
  6. Jayo

    big AR

    Hello! Charles Omerta here to give my statement on what had happened. I'd like to say I will underline time stamps within the video to help you out. I'd also like to state I am speaking on behalf of everyone I was with, they may add other comments too or even give their own story. (I am with...
  7. Jayo

    Hate is more lasting than dislike.

    Hate is more lasting than dislike.