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  1. TYMON007

    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!
  2. TYMON007

    Polish Perpheads Community give a sign!

    So you havent tried any sweet ones yet... You are missing out!
  3. TYMON007

    Polish Perpheads Community give a sign!

    Come to poland me and @Hodgparjor will make gołąbki for u! Also you might get shanked by a homeless guy when you leave your home, but thats the risk you are taking!
  4. TYMON007

    Polish Perpheads Community give a sign!

    True and sad, not long ago we found a group of Poles, but im afraid they went inactive pretty quick...
  5. TYMON007

    Server Suggestion "infinite" car upgrades

    I believe the problem is some cars are just not made for certain speeds. I dont know if there were any other modifications then acceleration and topspeed to the superfast mini race event, but thats a proof of concept, that would deny this request. So there always has to be a cap at some point...
  6. TYMON007

    Police Suggestion Punishments for Officers within PLPD

    Also, I re-read the whole suggestion, and there are two more things I would like to point out. Records are trackable, as they show every severe infraction like a discharge or demotion, including complaint outcomes such as reprimands and WWs. Making punishments less scary does not make sense...
  7. TYMON007

    Police Suggestion Punishments for Officers within PLPD

    Im not saying that the system does not need improvements, in IA every PSD member along with the CC is trained to know which punishment should be issued on the officer, and from what I observed the CC almost always stays with what an investigator suggested.(at least in my case) It still does not...
  8. TYMON007

    Police Suggestion Punishments for Officers within PLPD

    In general PLPD takes time to grind ranks, and the purpose of CC is to have multiple people vote on the outcome instead of 1 person deciding how to punish an officer. Being an senior IA investigator Ive seen numerous different cases, and i know how much time, knowledge and common sense it takes...
  9. TYMON007

    The Best Airline

    Low fares, made simple
  10. TYMON007

    Now your name also looks like piss and you are going to understand why im afk 90% of the time ur...

    Now your name also looks like piss and you are going to understand why im afk 90% of the time ur talking to me
  11. TYMON007

    Server Suggestion Slight change to crafting system

    In general, how it SHOULD work: The database begins a transaction, a block of instructions, that if fails, reverts all changes to the state from before the transaction, but if it succeeds it commits(does) all the changes in the block of instructions at once. 1. the crafting process begins...
  12. TYMON007

    Community Counter-Strike Night

    thats a deal-breaker for me ngl
  13. TYMON007

    IA investigations, the PSD and creating complaints

    Hello Perpheads! Today I present you the opportunity to learn and see how are the IA investigations handled, how to create an IA, and perform an officer record check! I also described the Proffessional Standards Departament in general! For some of you it might be a once in a lifetime...
  14. TYMON007

    Rule Suggestion (2.1 Play Realistically)

    So minding the fact that the IA is aware of server rules, the officer should provide a reason to search, or what was he investigating, that gave them the right to search the given person. Investigating a case in which NPC drug dealer was involved would not be a valid reason to search anyone, as...
  15. TYMON007

    Rule Suggestion (2.1 Play Realistically)

    You are probably right as they broke rules as well, but technically theese were unlawful searches/charges, so it also suits for an IA. Just don't do both I guess.
  16. TYMON007

    Rule Suggestion (2.1 Play Realistically)

    Make IA complaints, if you belive they didnt have a reason to search or detain. Cops shouldnt go to drug dealer and arrest random people, as they dont recognize the NPC. They might have had other reasons to search you and detain, but if thats not the case, thats definately a serious IA case.
  17. TYMON007

    Handling of hostage situations for unlucky lower-ranked officers!

    Hi perpers tymon007 here again with another tutorial video about the PLPD! This time i described how you should deal with hostage situations when there are no cpl+ or TFOs on duty! Feel free to give me some ideas or feedback below!
  18. TYMON007

    Server Suggestion Add invoice system for both Medics and Roadcrew

    Medics should remain a free of charge service, as they still earn a lot of money for reviving and deleting bodies. However I agree to create a system like that for RC, to avoid situations where people don't pay them. However Im not sure if a whole payment system has to be programmed in order to...
  19. TYMON007

    i have become a creative writer

    You are making me want to click the Safeguarding concerns button in ur desc
  20. TYMON007

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  21. TYMON007

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  22. TYMON007

    Handling and communicating with suspects on the example of a traffic stop as PLPD!

    Hey it's me again! I created another video covering the topic and tips on handling less compliant suspects as PLPD. I also covered the topic of a correct traffic stop! If you have any ideas or suggestions contact me on discord: Tymon007#0033 or on tymon007 or here!
  23. TYMON007

    Model Bug Report (Cars license plate appears under the car at the casino display)

    Type of Bug: Model Description of the Bug: Cars license plate appears under the car at the casino display How to reproduce the Bug: I guess thats irrelevant as it probably just is like that all the time Time Stamp: 22:30 BST Errors: none Media:
  24. TYMON007

    Server Suggestion reduce the tfu and cop slots

    There were multiple suggestions like that made over the last 2 moths or so, and each time they were denied. There are statictics, that were once shown by a community manager, that show, that the current cop limit is rarely even reached, and the situation is not as bad as everyone describes it...
  25. TYMON007

    Server Suggestion Farmer

    In my opinion the server lacks activities that could make you earn money other than fishing, working and growing drugs or trading. Creating a new legal way like gardening would be awesome and in my opinion will make the server more attractive to newcomers, as everytime someone asks "how to earn...
  26. TYMON007

    Server Suggestion The electric cars startup sound

    Well the facts are, you can refuel the car paying money, so i guess you could theoretically get your car to run out of electric fuel.
  27. TYMON007

    Server Suggestion The electric cars startup sound

    Actually, the electric cars use fuel! they use a small amount, but the tank can eventually be emptied!
  28. TYMON007

    Server Suggestion The electric cars startup sound

    Suggestion Title: The electric cars startup sound Suggestion Description: So the teslas startup sound is a digital sound, but the nissan leaf starts up with a petrol engine sound. As well, when the cars are damaged, they make sounds of a petrol engine on startup. - Setting the electric cars...
  29. TYMON007 defaults to instead of

    Honestly if I were you, I would consider checking your browser settings in general, as website servers should have permanent redirects set up in such way, that even if you purposely attempt to use the http version of the site, they move you to the safe https version. This is etremely important...
  30. TYMON007

    When are Molotovs useable

    Basically, if you want to use a molotov against someone, you have to posess a valid roleplay reason, in instance, if someone killed your friend, or mugged you off some expensive items. I would say it would be a very similar reason, for which you would kill someone. Minding the reason, you...