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  1. TYMON007

    Police Suggestion Allowing Senior CC members to resolve minor misconduct complaints alone.

    Actually you are right, I kinda misunderstood the meaning of a minor complaint, and when you actually mentioned that supervisors on duty can issue reprimands for such misconduct, it makes sense that more experienced CC members can have a good judgement of the situation, as supervisors can give...
  2. TYMON007

    Police Suggestion Allowing Senior CC members to resolve minor misconduct complaints alone.

    I do not think this is a good idea whatsoever. The whole idea behind the CC is the variety of people voting on the outcome. So at the end we are only humans and each of us can have his own opinion, not only on a topic, but also about someone, and this might lead to people being punished by...
  3. TYMON007

    Server Suggestion Reduce impact and disorientation from minor collisions.

    I do belive the disorientation is still beneficial for the RP, as even after less serious collisions you would not probably be able to drive away straight up. It adds amazing balance for the interactions with police as well, as when you crash in a pursuit, you are not able to immediately run...
  4. TYMON007

    Who likes flying

    I fly a lot actually, but each time I do i have a feeling that something might go wrong and i crash and die, other then psycological downsides tho, i dont feel bad physically
  5. TYMON007

    Server Suggestion Allow Mayor to shop in Poisson.

    I dont think that doubling the mayors salary would bring any benefits : (
  6. TYMON007

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  7. TYMON007

    Dziękuję współpomocnikowi

    Dziękuję współpomocnikowi
  8. TYMON007

    Im so excited!

    Im so excited!
  9. TYMON007

    Server Suggestion Balance Police when lower population

    Which unfortunately still does not resolve the problem of misusing the firearms, lack of proffessional knowledge, when it comes to resolving firearm related situations, and others. I also usually do play late night hours, so I understand your concern, however doing so, motivated me to do CPL...
  10. TYMON007

    Server Suggestion Balance Police when lower population

    With the current flow of new players to the server it would be the exact opposite of what every roleplaying server now does to ensure RDM does not happen - make people earn weapons, and earn better weapons in order to require playtime in order to obtain them. Even as officers. The entire idea...
  11. TYMON007

    Server Suggestion Vehicle Handling Editor

    It would be actually awesome to add this to the server, as many supercars have problems with handling, and theese alterations maybe would be able to help fix theese issues.
  12. TYMON007

    Refund Request (berke121)

  13. TYMON007

    I never expected that! Awesome!

    I never expected that! Awesome!
  14. TYMON007

    Promotions and Observation Reports in PLPD!

    Im glad it helped!
  15. TYMON007

    Promotions and Observation Reports in PLPD!

    Hi everyone! Today I decided to give you some tips, along with explaining how to have the best chances to get a promotion in PLPD. I also explained what an OR is, and how to improve your skills basing on what was written in an OR. Feel free to watch it, and leave some feedback, and maybe another...
  16. TYMON007

    How not to get yourself in trouble in PLPD!

    Hi all again! This time, I decided to cover the topic of disciplinary actions, and complaint classifications. I hope this will help you with avoiding any unpleasant situations in the PD, and prevent you from doing something you were not supposed to do! As always, let me know if you have any...
  17. TYMON007

    PLPD Primary and secondary divisions explained!

    Hi all! It's me again. This time I decided to dispel any doubts connected to primary and secondary divisions of PLPD. I hope this guide will help you decide, which divisions you wish to pick in order to develop in the PLPD! Feel free to leave some feedback, either good or bad, and let me...
  18. TYMON007

    Crafting Material Counter

    If you need some help with the maths you can go to It will not help you with everything you listed above, however it has some decent features. You can mark which materials you have, which materials you need to buy, and calculate craft prices with certain tax, and even...
  19. TYMON007

    Server Suggestion Pre-Saved Props Per Room

    This idea is awesome in its sense, as usually the biggest problem with creating a nice looking shop several days in a row, means that every time you buy a shop, you have to arrange it again and again, which is a bit annoying with how the physgun works, for avarage physgun user. It would be also...
  20. TYMON007

    Server Suggestion Allow talking while Police Computer is open

    Exactly, Im known for my loud keyboard, and vaping, so I imagine people hearing me vapig 11 times while setting 1 warrant XD
  21. TYMON007

    Server Suggestion Allow talking while Police Computer is open

    That is correct, but you cant stop transmitting, and you will be transmitting even when you close the window, so you have to press b/n/x again to stop transmitting, after you close the window
  22. TYMON007

    Server Suggestion Allow talking while Police Computer is open

    There is also a bug, when you open Police computrer, while speaking over the radio, the PTT remains pressed even when you close police computer. But yes, I do belive that this should be fixed in both situation, on the police computer, and while scanning DNA. The other thing is you can speak over...
  23. TYMON007

    Help deban

    I guess you have to contact a higher-ranked admin, or even an owner to get around this, if its even possible. You can try it on the PH teamspeak ip:, the PH discord or I resolved a similar case once, by contacting them in game, using f6, when they were on.
  24. TYMON007

    Random crashes - whole gmod closes with no error messages

    Yeah the setup seems pretty normal, so unfortunately other than what I told before, I cant really help. LMK if any of this helped, maybe you'll just have to reinstall the game from time to time, in order to avoid those crashes for some time.
  25. TYMON007

    Random crashes - whole gmod closes with no error messages

    What's your setup then? Are you using SSD? maybe some files corrupt, or don't load in time? Is your CPU recent, and high end? I guess gmod can run on anything, however it might be poorly optimised for more recent setups?
  26. TYMON007

    Help deban

    Yes, you can create either a ban apology, or a ban dispute in the Punishment Appeals sub-forum. In this case, I would recommend an apology, explaining what happened, or dispute the ban, saying that you have a brother with a 2nd account.
  27. TYMON007

    Random crashes - whole gmod closes with no error messages

    Chat GPT isn't mistaken, as the errors indicate some lua script errors. Did you edit, tried to write some lua scripts that might be running while the game is on? Try unsubscribing to suspicious/discontinued/poor quality addons in workshop, and delete all external lua files if they are existant.
  28. TYMON007

    Random crashes - whole gmod closes with no error messages

    Usually what helps is reinstalling the game, reinstalling hl2 resources, or verifying game files on steam. I had this issue, and it helped, seems obvious, but helps. I would do this in the following order: 1. Verify game files Did not help? 2. Reinstall hl2 resources Did not help? 3. reinstall...
  29. TYMON007

    Server Suggestion Ally properties should have org name on doors.

    Suggestion Title: Ally properties should have org name on doors. Suggestion Description: I belive that adding name, or just sign "Ally", on the doors of properties bought by ally organisations, will prevent ally raids from happening. Why should this be added?: - People dont have to go around...
  30. TYMON007

    Ban Dispute (Ultimate)

    Thank you for the quick resolution. I appreciate your job.