Search results

  1. captain

    Ban Apology (Captain)

    You can take some time to review our server rules.
  2. captain

    Action Request (Andii)

    The player will receive a ban from the server for 3.4 due to this action request. Earlier today, they also decided to report their vehicle as stolen (when it wasn't), just to initiate a pursuit and ended up dying and getting arrested. User has been banned for 1 week for the offense.
  3. captain

    Action Request (Andii)

  4. captain

    Ban Apology (captain)

    Please review the rules before reconnecting to the server.
  5. captain

    Ban Apology (captain)

    You're lying. You fully intended to prop push another vehicle. I watched you do it after initially speaking with you. You can wait this ban out.
  6. captain

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

    Your behavior was completely uncalled for. You clearly did not care about what you were saying or the punishment you were going to be issued. Conduct violations are taken very seriously, and due to the length of your ban, it will need to be reviewed by the Administrator team.
  7. captain

    well deserved! congratulations

    well deserved! congratulations
  8. captain


  9. captain

    Action Request (John)

    The user will be issued a warning to their record for the offense committed, provided that they coordinate a refund with the player affected by their actions.
  10. captain

    Action Request (Bark Smoothy)

    I have attempted to reach out to the user via Steam and have not received any replies from them. The user does not have a forum account, therefore I am unable to receive their side of the story. Based on the evidence you have provided, it is clear that they had no reason to puncture your tires...
  11. captain

    Action Request (John)

    Sorry for the delay in reviewing your action request. I have reached out to the user for comment and will provide an update here as soon as possible.
  12. captain

    Action Request (Unknown)

    The player has been banned from the server for 4 days and received a blacklist for 1 week for the offense: 4.3, 3.20 - The player decided to enter a crime scene to tow a police vehicle without authorization and then disconnected while in custody.
  13. captain

    Action Request (Unknown)

    Reviewing this now and will provide an update momentarily.
  14. captain

    Action Request (Waffleman :D)

    Player will receive a 2 day ban for the offense. This was handled in-game.
  15. captain

    Action Request (Waffleman :D)

  16. captain

    Ban Apology (Captain)

    Ban already expired.
  17. captain

    Ban Apology (Captain)

    Your record indicates to me that you haven't had a chance to review our server rules and become comfortable with them. This was not your first time violating this server rule. I won't be revoking your ban as of this time. Please take this time to review the server rules and become familiar with...
  18. captain

    Ban Apology (Captian)

    Please take some time to review our rules before reconnecting to the server.
  19. captain

    Ban Apology (Captain)

    You received a warning the same day that your ban was issued for the same reason. You can wait until later tonight when your ban is lifted.
  20. captain

    Ban Apology (captain)

    We had a discussion in-game about you and following rule 3.4, I made it very clear that your next violation would incur a 2 week ban. You decided to break the rule again and had plenty of opportunity to respond to the commands given to you. Instead, you decided to run and pull a gun—resulting in...
  21. captain

    Ban Apology (Captain)

    You aren’t banned permanently, only 4 days. Denied.
  22. captain

    Action Request (unknown)

    No need to contact the player for comment as they have already been spoken to about their 3.4 violations a few days before. Informed if they violated 3.4 again, a ban would be issued. The player has been banned for 2 weeks for this offense. Clearly didn't even try to cooperate here.
  23. captain

    Action Request (unknown)

    Reviewing now.
  24. captain

    Action Request (jacobbrandt7)

    It has been determined that a rule break has occurred in this situation. The player is unable to be reached. Therefore, your action request has been accepted and I have extended their ban by 96 hours (4 days). I will be reaching out to you to provide the next steps for a refund for the weapon...
  25. captain

    Action Request (jacobbrandt7)

    Reviewing this now, the user does not have a forum account - please hold for AR outcome.
  26. captain

    Refund Request (antonio321405)

    Your refund request has been accepted. Please refer to the assets below which may be re obtained: - Beretta M9 (167613705) - Chemical Table How do I receive my refund? Head in-game and when there's an Administrator+ online, create an F6 with your refund link. Reviewed per the request of...
  27. captain

    Action Request (Unknown)

    The situation was handled in-game. A warning has been applied to the player's record and a future 3.4 offense will result in a 2 week ban.
  28. captain

    Action Request (Unknown)

    Dealing with in-game.
  29. captain

    Refund Request (littleevi)

    Your weapon was lost as a result of a rule break and said player has been banned permanently. Please make an F6 in-game to receive the following assets whenever an Administrator+ is online: - IMI Mini-UZI (185691921)
  30. captain

    How did you find Perpheads and when?

    All I remember is purchasing Garry's Mod sometime back in 2014/2015 and then joining PERPHeads for the first time. I've been here since. I'm still faithfully a cop main.