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  1. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Cuero Bandidos

    charlie cosbern And Luis Flores The Vietnam Veterans
  2. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Cuero Bandidos

    This gang in a nutshell
  3. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx


    He is Really Fun To play With and Is an outstanding Law enforcement officer I was Patroling with him earlier as speed enforcement and His performance was outstanding
  4. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Whats Your Ambition In Life

    Just Wright Down What You want to do or be in the Future I Hope To be a Helicopter pilot of some sort
  5. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Meeting the UK PM and other fgts

    I Hope I can do something like that when im older
  6. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Meeting the UK PM and other fgts

    Dose Privilages Though
  7. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Where in The UK do you live?

    Im An Essex Country Bumpkin M80 Shitty Internet animal Shit everywhere Long Deliverys And Its Really cold But Its Got nice scenery and its really good in summer
  8. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Paralake Sheriff's Department

    My ic name Is Charlie Cosbern my phone number i belive is 2602794 However im 605 sure its the correct one. my steam name is the Holy Banterous One : time played 1 week
  9. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Company of Hereos 2

    Ive Posted this thread As I want to Challenge my Self in a game Called Company of hereos 2 and Play against High level AI If there are any Coh2 players Out There In the comunity Please Contact me via steam Im Looking For Some people Who i can comunicate with And Have some fun with
  10. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    How fucked are you?

    My last 2 games was civ beyond earth and tf2 So i get either Big Robots with grenade launchers And Miniguns and such or i get massive aliens with grenade launchers and miniguns or i can have many tanks with grenade launchers and miniguns
  11. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Idea: Whitelisted Police

    Whenever im Lt i always apoint a SGT it really dose help and its fun to call them in and Let them explain to you whats been happening Who is doing a bad job And so on As i like playing lt whenever its possible as i like playing as a cop and such and also having authority And aswell Reliving the...
  12. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    You want a game like Perp in a much bigger scale?

    I Looks Really good but How Whould they Keep Order and keep it real like People Just Doing Really Really unrealistic actions
  13. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Riot Shield for SWAT

    Please use the correct template
  14. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Ban request on Giuseppe

    Clearly Thought he was Rambo And pulled a gun Nice Big juicy +Support
  15. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    The Montreal Family Applications

    OOC Information Steam name:The Holy Banterous One Age:14 Country:Uk Are you active enough?:I can be 4 hours on week days and The whole day on wekkends (mostly the whole day Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:60406751 IC Information In-Game name:Charlie Cosbern Age: 26 Any cars you have: Ford Transit(the...
  16. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Ban Request - 3 swat members.

    When i read this BR I have Now Realised That it was A hostage Situation as i had To go to the toliet at the time and when i came back i was litterally being ordered to Raise my weapon And Shoot And That of which i was Not Paying attention to the radio as i Was focused on Completing My orders...
  17. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Worst firework experience:

    We Were doing Firewroks On new years eve and the Fire work Suddenly went mental and Flew all over the place and nearly hit me
  18. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    The Mafia Applications.

    OOC INFO: OOC name: The Holy Banterous One Age: 14 Country: UK Microphone: Yes Playtime: 1 Week Ic info: Name: Charlie Cosbern Age: 26 Skills: Growing, Defending, Raiding Driving Firearms level:23 What car you own: a Ford Transit Why you want to join our organisation: I wish to join this Org as...
  19. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    Ingame name: Ayjay Galay Steam Name: The Holy Banterous One Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:60406751 Total playtime: 1 Week Are you a VIP: My Forum Acount Dose not state im Vip But i do Have vip Ingame As I had to make a new Forum Acount List of all cars you own: Ford Transit and a Chevolet Camaro ss (...
  20. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Reverse Name Thread

    In this thread I Will Be Applying The first Letter Of someone forum Name and Putting it at The Back and the back letter Goes to the front Chrissy - Yhrissc Swiper The Fox - Fwiper The Sox Ayjay - yyjaa Hung Chow - Cung hhow Trande - Erandt Thesse Are the Ones i decided to do
  21. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    PERPheads community awards 2014

    It was Rather Inevitable For luke Person to Win Best cop. He is Literally Robo Cop
  22. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    A little game!

    Then bob Fell down a trap door in the road and then
  23. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    What'd you get?

    Well im Not going to explain all f it but this is the best one i got for christmas It is shared Between me an my sister Alouthough it isnt the same brand and such it explains all
  24. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Perpheads Christmas

    I wish For All Of Stephens Money Pls
  25. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Hobbies and Interests

    I Go Clay pigeon Shooting in my spare time Or me and my dad are doing some extreme offroading in quadbikes and such
  26. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    DumbWay Boyz Applications

    In-game name: Ayjay Galay Steam name: Lakins on da loose Game time: *1 week Car (If has): *Car name* ss Chevolet Camaro How responsible you are: *8/10* How good at RPing you are: *7/10*
  27. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Drugs INC Applications

    Dont Not Bother noticing this i have changed my mind
  28. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Dead Body Problems

    I Have a problem Where instead of ragdolling when someone is killed It Dose a T pose instead of floping to the floor If someone has a fix Please Help me
  29. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Hicktown Hill Billy Applications

    Do you commit to this program? Yes/No Yippedy Doo Dah day I dot Ma Frind Do you understand that our main guns are 'emington and emninteeneleven Yes/No Cuz i Do mo Hibliy All other gunz are shiet on pincak Do you have any education? (Hopefully no) Yes/No Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo Who this this...
  30. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Commonwealth Applications:

    OOC Info: Name:Buster Age:13 Country:England Time-zone:GMT Do you have a microphone?:Yes How active are you on the server?:If im on i am on for 4-6 hours Steam Name (Optional): IC Info: Name: Ayjay Galay Age: 26 Country: Uk Firearms skill: 23 What car do you own? (If you do): SS Chervolet...