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  1. Teemo


    send me
  2. Teemo

    Events / Festivals 2019

    my nans for the weekend
  3. Teemo

    What's your favourite ever moment on the server?

    @Mango fair enough, cya around
  4. Teemo

    What's your favourite ever moment on the server?

    @Mango stop trying to join in on other people's jokes
  5. Teemo

    What's your favourite ever moment on the server?

    back when u were liked... oh wait
  6. Teemo

    What's your favourite ever moment on the server?

    the best part of the server is thinking back to when people had fun and guns were cheap. just think about how many funny moments were in 2015/2016. That was the shit.
  7. Teemo


    Threatened me (you can hear my reaction to it) and then threatened Dan after he said his number was fuck off. It's literally like walking into a base and announcing you are going to raid and then not expect to get shot? Chat shit get banged ;) x
  8. Teemo

    how to trigger me

    TFU nerf?
  9. Teemo

    Dream job

    Law or politics
  10. Teemo

    Who do people say you look like?

    People say I look like Will Poulter (my profile pic isn't me)
  11. Teemo

    AR - Chris Andrews, Ping Wing

    "To that I say, Fiddlesticks!"
  12. Teemo

    AR - Chris Andrews, Ping Wing

    Making AR so we can finally base for a day without someone trying to be funny by minging.
  13. Teemo

    AR - Chris Andrews, Ping Wing

    By the way, The reason mage shot cops was because from where the cop was on the barricades, drugs were visible next to storage.
  14. Teemo


    PHONE silver mindset u hardstuck ape i was silver 1 70lp just before s9 so i was pretty much ur rank
  15. Teemo


    “tHaT’s HoW mAfIa WoRkS
  16. Teemo


    Why am I not surprised Ping is hanging out with the autistic kids again?
  17. Teemo

    Bot Wiki Hello aim?

    " Ey shut the fuck up you wee cunt I know where he is!" Misses all his shots and dies
  18. Teemo

    First montage yes

  19. Teemo

    The Camorra Crime Syndicate Applications

    OOC: Steam Name: Teemo Age: 15 Timezone: GMT IC: Name: Teemo Williams Why do you want to join the organization?: you have all the good shooters in this one What can you bring to the organization?: ive already shown I can kill cops by helping the org at points. Money: like 10k ( just bought lots...
  20. Teemo

    Understanding why the players are complaining - Discussion.

    They might be producing new content, if they are they need to speak to the community. Right now we are sat with lots of things that need work and we have no info but to assume nothing is happening.
  21. Teemo

    Understanding why the players are complaining - Discussion.

    People are complaining because the devs are lazy and need to put effort into fixing the content.
  22. Teemo

    The Avito Applications.

    In-Game name: Teemo Williams Age(OOC): 15 Playtime: 1 month 15 days odd How will you be a good asset to the Organisation?: ill buy that tommy Hilfiger jacket Why do you want to join the Organisation?: I used to be in it, I was a rimlick n a skid, im only a skid now
  23. Teemo

    The GREAT Perpheads giveaway

    Teemo Williams 3941107 You know how poverty I am, 200 drugs and 20k
  24. Teemo


    come on League idyot
  25. Teemo

    lewis doman hate thread

    his accent
  26. Teemo


    well I mean that's how mafia works...
  27. Teemo

    MINDNIGHT - The game of deceit, accusations, and unpredictability.

    Surely Town of Salem is better and simpler?
  28. Teemo

    Take this gay test

    Surely theyd just ask, do you like the same sex and the test would be done?
  29. Teemo

    What are your favorite exclamations?

    I wont tell anyone if you don't @Duffy @Thomas Fredrick
  30. Teemo

    If you had the chance....

    @ICEKILLER_99 to prove he is icemidget