Are you good at shooting (don't lie please): no im more autistic than finlay russel
Have you got more than 1 mill: only if your my sugar pappy
Are you autistic: Whats a spectrum?
do you think i like YOU?: no
Cars: fucking shitty hummer
Name: Taylors Bitch
Steam name: T4ylors B1tch
IP: Whatever...
Yer IC name: Tom william
Yer OOC Name:Teemo
Are ye a true Pirate?:Aye m'lad
Whats ye in game time: Over 2 m nth
What booty do you have: Around 100k and basic guns n shit
Why I should let this filthy landlubber into me crew: This filthy landlubber be havin' half his life at see.
IC name: tom william
Age: 14
What cars do you have? : ford wrangler
Marksmanship (State all): Rifle : 13
Pussy magnet : 100
Why do you want to join: i like bullying jimmy jackson
Additional Notes:
2 armani tracksuits(chav)
Addidas boost
Nike 97's
400 quid
Ralph lauren jumper
Matte Black Armani Watch
200 quids worth of socks
CK's boxer n tha (socks as well)
New weights
Wonder core gym thingy
Pull up bar
Press up thingies.