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  1. Teemo

    Mohammad Family (Returns)

    What reputation? // On phone in toilet
  2. Teemo

    The real reason "perp is dying"

    The day after I come back the server is full again? Coincidence? Maybe Hotel? Trivago
  3. Teemo


    I will come on TS
  4. Teemo

    Where are your guns?

    Where are your guns?
  5. Teemo

    [Discussion] Org beef

    Bragging rights? Whoever gets mad when they lose a gun in a raid seriously need to check themselves ngl.
  6. Teemo

    [Discussion] Org beef

    I get where you are coming from but the forums is where the best insults are even if it is slightly ooc.
  7. Teemo

    [Discussion] Org beef

    Anyone who has been here for longer than a year can remember Org beef that ranged from declaring war to dead bodies being posted on org pages but where has it gone? It is always being censored or closed because it can be (as in the term org beef) a bit beefy. I think at the end of the day...
  8. Teemo

    Any recommened good games to play?

    I would reccomend L.A Noire, with the additional DLC story's it costs roughly 15 quid and it is really fun. I forgot Knights of the Old Republic. Knights of The Old Republic 2 if you are feelin frisky.
  9. Teemo


    The sheer surprise in your voice must mean you do not win raids often, how about a pat on the back? A medal?
  10. Teemo


    The 2 others in your base got fucked by a grenade because @Fusions opened the door for us xddd PS- The bags are salt...
  11. Teemo


    I remember today Damien Wylde (while he was cop) told me to hit puberty and come back, it is so funny shooting them afterwards.(for a genuine non-bias reason I promise)
  12. Teemo


    You're lucky Ezrider isn't around because he was 10x worse than anyone. You just gotta think, "why are they doing it?" What is more amusing to you, winding up a cop or seeing a cop not get annoyed and you waste your own time on trying to annoy a cop with no reaction. Obviously the former, just...
  13. Teemo

    Thank you.

    Cheers mate, I was happy to help. I have since resigned for personal reasons (message me on steam if you want the reasons) but I was genuinely glad to help in any little way I could!
  14. Teemo

    Suppressed Rifle

    Your in-game name: Teemo Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:81757952 What do you need to be refunded: Suppressed M4 Fully loaded w/ stock. Why do you want your item(s) refunded : @Strobez killed me and Racxes for no reason while I had an m4 on my back, admin sit was dealt with. Evidence: @Racxes es
  15. Teemo

    Update Log - 15/09/2017

    @Speedy @Dom @MachineGunO guess we raided Hungries for the last time yesterday. Sorry @Husky must've forgot you :(