Search results

  1. Acerius

    Ban Dispute (Goonsberg)

    Gender identity is included in rule 1.2, so you were discriminatory. If you disagree with the length make a Staff Complaint instead. Reviewed with @Collier
  2. Acerius

    Ban Apology (tillin)

    Appealing a Punishment - Information
  3. Acerius

    Ban Dispute (Bnjemann)

    Can you please clarify what it is about the ban that you feel is invalid, e.g., what rules you didn't break and why? Saying that it's invalid because the person was supposedly mad at you because you made an Internal Affairs complaint does not make the ban invalid.
  4. Acerius

    Ban Dispute (Megasaw)

    We will assume that you are contesting the validity of the ban and not just the ban length, in which case your dispute is denied. If you wish to have the length reviewed independently you must create a Staff Complaint as this is not dealt with via a Dispute. Let us break this down and look at...
  5. Acerius

    Ban Apology (Collier)

    Reviewed with @Collier
  6. Acerius

    Ban Dispute (Megasaw)

    Is this an apology or a dispute? If you create an apology then you accept you broke the rules and are apologizing for your actions, in hope for your punishment to be reviewed. If you create a dispute then you feel you haven't broken the rules and want to dispute the legitimacy of the...
  7. Acerius
  8. Acerius

    Refund Request (omgguy)

    Please contact an Administrator+ in-game to receive your items.
  9. Acerius

    Ban Dispute (Megasaw)

    The clip provided by the staff member who banned you quite clearly shows you using homophobic language at a police situation at Suburbs Storage. You also have a warning on record for being discriminatory previously. If you disagree with the length, you can make a Staff Complaint. Reviewed with...
  10. Acerius

    +100 rep for the NFS: Carbon meme

    +100 rep for the NFS: Carbon meme
  11. Acerius

    Ban Apology (erwin acerius)

    Your ban will be lowered to 2 weeks, meaning you will be unbanned tomorrow. Please ensure you are more sensible in future. Reviewed with @Erwin
  12. Acerius

    Do yall think we should be allowed to have corruption in the server like we should be allowed to bribe the mayor/plpd/EM i think it could work

    I get that from a roleplay perspective it might be interesting to allow some level of corruption, however I think it has to be taken on balance with preservation of gameplay. If we start allowing it without any checks then it's likely that nearly everyone will start doing it which then starts...
  13. Acerius

    [ATTACH] [IMG]

  14. Acerius

    Refund Request (ilyan)

    Please contact an Administrator+ in-game to receive your items.
  15. Acerius

    @Dave @Jack @Erwin @Megasaw collier throwing his headset 'gently' on his bed: [MEDIA]

    @Dave @Jack @Erwin @Megasaw collier throwing his headset 'gently' on his bed:
  16. Acerius

    Ban Dispute (SNUSMUS)

    Two seconds before you kill the person in your first clip which is Mage, Tinky dies to a Sergeant on the Regals Overpass, which are the shots you hear in your first clip, and Toby is killed by a Sergeant 27 seconds after you kill Mage. It is quite possible you would have seen the gunfight...
  17. Acerius

    he loves a bit of foot fungus

    he loves a bit of foot fungus
  18. Acerius


  19. Acerius

    luvleh jubbleh

    luvleh jubbleh
  20. Acerius


  21. Acerius

    Ban Apology (Collier)

    Your ban has expired.
  22. Acerius

    Ban Apology (Collier)

    Your ban has expired.
  23. Acerius

    Ban Dispute (MegaSaw)

    The clip provided in the Action Request provides sufficient evidence that you broke 3.4; there is nothing to dispute here. Reviewed with @Collier
  24. Acerius

    Ban Dispute (Megasaw)

    Rule 3.15 applies as you had no regard to the damage that you had done to and could have done to not only your police cruiser but also the suspect's vehicle by trying to drive head-on into them. The second sentence of rule 3.15 states that "this also applies if the car in question is stolen or...
  25. Acerius

    Made some bomb burgers becuase im banned

    Do you want burger with that sauce?
  26. Acerius

    Where do you go on vacation

    Personally, I think hamburgers and cheeseburgers work well with fries.
  27. Acerius

    Ban Dispute (Megasaw)

    Very clear from the evidence provided in the ban comments that you broke 3.4, so there is nothing to dispute here. If you feel that the length is excessive you can make a Staff Complaint. Reviewed with @Collier and @Erwin
  28. Acerius

    Rule Changes and 3.4 poll - 28/07/2024

    Personally, I think hamburgers and cheeseburgers work well with fries.
  29. Acerius

    @Creepis I'm sorry but I can't look at you in the same light anymore. I know it's @cummy glizzy...

    @Creepis I'm sorry but I can't look at you in the same light anymore. I know it's @cummy glizzy gobbler's fault but... man...