Search results

  1. Jacob

    Hey , Im Tbone

    Welcome to the community, sounds like you have some cool interests, hope you enjoy your stay :).
  2. Jacob

    More Realistic Drug Dealing.

    Sounds like a great idea in my opinion. + support
  3. Jacob

    Car Indicators

    Very good idea. + support
  4. Jacob


    Welcome to the community, hope you enjoy your stay :).
  5. Jacob

    The Arrival of Lexo

    Welcome to the community mate, great introduction, hope you enjoy your stay :).
  6. Jacob

    PerpHeads - Cinema

    I think it would add some serious fun, and some good role play situations (people disrupting the movie, therefore police are required..) + Support
  7. Jacob

    Audi S5 or BMW M3 or BMW M5?

    I ended up getting the Audi S5. Thanks for your help.
  8. Jacob

    Audi S5 or BMW M3 or BMW M5?

    I know, what's that got to do with my thread though? ;)
  9. Jacob

    Hello, everyone!

    Welcome to the community, hope to see you around.
  10. Jacob

    Audi S5 or BMW M3 or BMW M5?

    I will probably go for the s5.
  11. Jacob

    Audi S5 or BMW M3 or BMW M5?

    The topic title sums up this entire thread. Should I get the Audi S5, BMW M3 or the BMW 5? I don't care about the pricing, currently I want the Audi. What do you think? I want a fast car with nice handling.
  12. Jacob


    Hi, Welcome to the community and I hope you enjoy yourself.
  13. Jacob

    Government Vehicles

    I would love to see new emergancy service vehicles with the new map ;)
  14. Jacob

    Hi, everyone!

    Hey, nice to see you participating in the forums :)
  15. Jacob

    Helper chat.

    Helpers don't need a chat for themselves. - support
  16. Jacob

    Hello, i possibly start playing at perpheads again.

    Welcome back, nice to have you ;)
  17. Jacob

    Weapon prices.

    I'll definitely use this when owning a shop. Thanks :D
  18. Jacob

    More options for managing your organization

    Good idea buddy +support