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  1. JARRE

    free game

    I don't establish civilized communication with a person that has 2 anime gifs in their signature, sorry fucko. but i just did fuck atleast got that extra post amirite
  2. JARRE

    free game

    Dank but old normie this could've been dank with a better font dank but old normie edge of normie / dank but leaning to dank normie
  3. JARRE

    Amazon Prime Student

    Haha books what are you gay?
  4. JARRE

    <To Be Decided>

    OOC name JarredInator IC name: Jarred fam Age: prime number 7 What cars do you have? ferrari Marksmanship (State all): pistol: 1 sub: 2 sniper: 3 shotgun: 4 assault: how many niggas in my store Why do you want to join: idk lemme think Additional Notes: i'm a memer
  5. JARRE

    It's just a game

    Is it though Jordan, is it
  6. JARRE

    Why I don’t play pc and only go on the forums

    you asked me to come back yesterday to fuck shit up u slut you're right about the rules tho, too strict, too fucking strict just allow us to have some fun and stop making us play like robots no one raids since you need a big fuck up group to make it happen because tfu is just too strong to...
  7. JARRE

    I want to recommend @D3V

    Bitch ass snaked us on rust back in 2014 fat -support
  8. JARRE

    Decent Bands? ( P.S No Shit Generic Rap )

    lil pump has some good music not gonna lie
  9. JARRE

    Raiding With da bois. (Aids).

    Good video dude! 2:25 made me laugh!
  10. JARRE

    How to be Olsen Band3n.

    AcTuaLly I dID cOmE baCk yeStErdAy AnD iT wAs gReAt fUn
  11. JARRE

    How to be Olsen Band3n.

    Where is puffer apartment? I feel like this guide is not accurate enough as I cannot get past step 2. Next time make it more accurate idiot
  12. JARRE

    Leaving and now this shit can you stop whine like a little bitch and just either leave or stay? kthx no i'm not causing problems this...
  13. JARRE
  14. JARRE

    can't i'm banned xd

    can't i'm banned xd
  15. JARRE


  16. JARRE

    Dispute or appeal?

    Just don't get banned ez
  17. JARRE

    car advice

    Want us to hold your hand aswell when you cross the street or do you think you can sort that out yourself?
  18. JARRE

    See you

    ^ who the fuck is this impostor someone get this guy out of here
  19. JARRE

    ||BEST GAME 2017||

    really good fun!
  20. JARRE

    Computer freezing

  21. JARRE


    @Sneaky the "facts" meme must be booming business now on 9gag, thats usually where danks end up once they get stale and turn normie after a while. Atleast your making steps, you see ifunny as bad now. Good
  22. JARRE


    Haha funny video guy!
  23. JARRE

    what did everyone get for christmas in 2017

    Alright listen up this is the second time youre silently adressing you have a girlfriend and im starting to think you have some sort of insecurity. First time was at the Thread. Now youre doing it again. You dont adress who gave u the car, the insurance the ssd or the ram, yet the candy...
  24. JARRE

    wtf see I had vip

    wtf see I had vip
  25. JARRE

    What is your new year resolution for 2018?

    just quit anime all together it's fucking gay dude
  26. JARRE

    You better change that profile picture real soon buddy

    You better change that profile picture real soon buddy
  27. JARRE

    What to do on ARMA 3?

    You have 70 hours in the game you don't know shit xd If you're really interested in getting to know arma better KOTH is pretty much the best place to start. Just make sure you're on infrantry only, because otherwise you'll be bamboozled till infinity by try hard wipeout players. It'll teach...