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  1. ErmakDimon

    Double standards - Confiscating weapons. 3.18 edit.

    If you compare that to criminal, you get ban/warning and lose 10 minutes of your time and maybe a day's profit. Seems like the double standards are the other way around
  2. ErmakDimon

    Double standards - Confiscating weapons. 3.18 edit.

    Add to that the time it takes for an ia to be dealt with and you're looking at 2 months of progress wasted AND a ban/warning
  3. ErmakDimon

    Double standards - Confiscating weapons. 3.18 edit.

    @Husky but the criminal side doesn't have what pd has, which is deferred progression. Imagine you're about to get cpl/sgt/etc but you get a reprimand/warning for confiscating guns which pushes your progression AT LEAST a month back AND you get a warning/ban ooc
  4. ErmakDimon

    Double standards - Confiscating weapons. 3.18 edit.

    True tbh, our main concern when confiscating is not money but preventing mingegrabbers. What I've seen more recently is officers waiting for like 5 minutes after the situation ended to confiscate guns because of possible flankers which I feel is excessive as well. If there's no shots being fired...
  5. ErmakDimon

    Double standards - Confiscating weapons. 3.18 edit.

    @Husky I think it should be either ic punishment or ooc punishment, but not both
  6. ErmakDimon

    Double standards - Confiscating weapons. 3.18 edit.

    @Husky I mean it's sort of pointless having both 4.1 and ia, one of them should be removed. Cause I feel like punishment from both staff and ia on the same situation feels a bit excessive
  7. ErmakDimon

    Double standards - Confiscating weapons. 3.18 edit.

    The way I see it IA should deal with IC matters while staff should deal with OOC matters
  8. ErmakDimon

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    @Husky considering tyla's previous input in the community i think it's fair to just leave him with a slap on the wrist for this, considering he didn't really cheat for the purpose of gaining an advantage at first
  9. ErmakDimon

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    @curak you can literally earn a mil within a week of playing
  10. ErmakDimon

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    tyla is a living perp legend
  11. ErmakDimon

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    @curak do you guys even read the post
  12. ErmakDimon

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    he means to decrease both prices and salaries
  13. ErmakDimon

    What are your PC specs?

    how the fuck, I have a very similar system and barely get 60
  14. ErmakDimon

    What are your PC specs?

    1660ti i5 6600k stock 16GB rarely goes below 30, does go down to 7 sometimes in congested areas
  15. ErmakDimon

    Graphics card problem.

  16. ErmakDimon


    tbf i often get shot by people that don't have line of sight at me (on my screen) so tickrate lag is nothing new here
  17. ErmakDimon

    happy birthday

    happy birthday
  18. ErmakDimon

    Hey friends, I’m new here!

    @Mannerwaffel aren't you a firefighter though?
  19. ErmakDimon

    Hey friends, I’m new here!

    Wait you're still alive?
  20. ErmakDimon

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    @Creepis >complains about white girl bands >literally plays train
  21. ErmakDimon

    Community Discussion - What do you want? Both chargers and crown vic can be replaced, and the Lancer could be used as the new RTU vehicle
  22. ErmakDimon

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    On the PD side, replace old police models such as Crown Vic and Charger to their TDM police counterparts with appropriate equipment. RTU Porsche needs to be altered or replaced as well because it really handles horribly for a car meant to catch speeders. Unmarked Vauxhall needs a handling change...
  23. ErmakDimon

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    Player-owned economy is still a good idea, i think the focus of the server needs to be shifted from cops v robbers back to serious rp and POE is a good step in that direction.
  24. ErmakDimon

    144hz vs 60hz

    i see all that drug constable money is working for you
  25. ErmakDimon

    144hz vs 60hz

    60hz is totally playable
  26. ErmakDimon

    144hz vs 60hz

    i got my benq ew2440 for like $200 and its a great 60hz monitor
  27. ErmakDimon

    Synatec's Spider Guide

    very accurate
  28. ErmakDimon

    When you're listening to the radio and your favorite song is playing pt.2

    we should have a rating for posting on old threads every month to revive them for no reason
  29. ErmakDimon

    When you're listening to the radio and your favorite song is playing pt.2

    @zansaa how is that even bad spelling when i didn't even write anything
  30. ErmakDimon

    GTA V singleplayer mods

    so would you