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  1. Draxen

    Well deserved! Congratulations!

    Well deserved! Congratulations!
  2. Draxen

    Ban Apology (Draxenシ / 3izu)

    We think you should wait the ban out.
  3. Draxen

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  4. Draxen

    Ban Apology (Draxenシ / 3izu)

    With @3izu
  5. Draxen

    Ban Apology (Draxenシ)

    Lowered to 4 days.
  6. Draxen

    Ban Apology (Draxen)

    Since there is multiple rule violations in the ban I feel like one week was very nice of us. It could’ve been even longer.
  7. Draxen

    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!
  8. Draxen

    Ban Apology (@Draxen)

    You just got banned some hours ago.
  9. Draxen

    Ban Apology (Draxenシ / 3izu)

    You just got banned. Your excuse that you're a new player isn't 100% valid as we recieved multiple reports on you and your friend. If you're new you still have to take responsibility to read the rules.
  10. Draxen

    Action Request (John Ojeda: Ligma ///Pen Liza: Admins didn't find it (Helper))

    @360N0SCOPEM8REK & @Ligma will be recieve a 4-day ban each for violating violating mugging rule 5.1 Reviewed with @Oddy & @3izu
  11. Draxen

    Happy birthday Maia!!!

    Happy birthday Maia!!!
  12. Draxen

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

    Second time you are banned for mass rdm, why would Maia accept this apology?
  13. Draxen

    Ban Apology (Chase)

    Okay. I’ve changed the thread from a dispute to an apology. @Chase will deal with this.
  14. Draxen

    Ban Apology (Chase)

    Are you disputing the ban or apologising and complaining about the ban length?
  15. Draxen

    Ban Dispute (Bnjemann)

    a Try again and make a serious one. You also need evidence to make a dispute.
  16. Draxen

    Ban Dispute (Megasaw)

    The punishment is up to the staff member. It can not be changed with a dispute, only with a staff complaint.
  17. Draxen

    Ban Dispute (Megasaw)

    Are you admitting to breaking the rules, or are you saying you didn’t? Since this is a dispute you have to provide some sort of evidence.
  18. Draxen

    Action Request (folt)

    Rule 3.4 states: "Murdering a police officer(s) to avoid yourself or others receiving a minor punishment, such as a small ticket or a minor jail sentence". Your friend was being inevestigated for illegal transportation which counts as a minor violation. Following @folt's hisotry, a 2 week ban...
  19. Draxen

    Action Request (folt)

    And what crime were you friend being arrested for?
  20. Draxen

    Ban Apology (draxen)

    Thats exactly what you were. Not to me but to the player who reported you.
  21. Draxen

    Ban Apology (draxen)

    This is what you said from another apology you made which got accepted: ”im really sorry for what i said to you not sure if any deals can be made but if i ever break character again and swear at staff just permaban me but i dont plan to break any rules again if i get unban” Anything you want...
  22. Draxen

    Action Request (folt)

    @folt can you please tell us why you killed the officer?
  23. Draxen

    GTA V help

    Problem solved. Unfortiunetly I can not help anyone else who has this problem as I don't know what I did.... Thanks to everyone who tried to help me here or in dms.
  24. Draxen

    GTA V help

    Still didn't work. I had to relog into Rockstar Games but as soon as it was done and about to start it still said an instance of the game is already running... But I can not terminate any of them....
  25. Draxen

    GTA V help

    Yes I forgot to mention that. I've tried to reinstall Rockstar Games launcher too. I've tried to run eevry single program as administrator.... Still no luck
  26. Draxen

    GTA V help

  27. Draxen

    GTA V help

    Hello! I got some problems with my GTA. I've been trying for ages to play GTA but the game won't start. Here's what happens; I start Steam and launch GTA V from it. Rockstar Games Launcher comes up and signs me in, then I get a window that an instance of the game is already running and the...
  28. Draxen

    Refund Request (Shokron)

    x1 Scar x 1 Red dot sight x1 Compensator x1 Full STANAG 30rd MAG
  29. Draxen

    Happy birthday poki!

    Happy birthday poki!