Weapon flashlights already exist, rifle and pistol.
If it was to be a thing, model and animation changes would need to happen, but it works without it.
The big question is, is the map properly optimised, as such, other areas of the map remain unloaded but the skybox makes it look like it's loaded?
I know a lot of people love the looks but performance wise, people are going to speak out about it.
123 is the amount of days I've been on reprimand, 45 is the day from the beginning of the year I can apply, 67 is the days from the start of the christmas spirit, december.
89 is the days since my last @GP interaction.
I can tell you this is exactly the case, I remember getting sub 15fps when looking at yoghurto's.
I never really had a problem but mirrors + lights does something to ones FPS.