Search results

  1. Akeno Himejima

    How long was your longest ban

    No, it's called favoritism.
  2. Akeno Himejima

    How long was your longest ban

    Perma down to 4 months (@Tilin it was way too harsh.) Metagaming takes lives.
  3. Akeno Himejima

    Server Suggestion Individual XP tab for org leaderboard

    A lot of chill top orgs don't have quotas, BTD included. We mainly play to enjoy the time together and only cared about xp when it came to being top 3. This is both a positive and a negative and could easily be implemented.
  4. Akeno Himejima

    Offering to edit your PERP frag clips :)

    Bros taking my customers. 20% on vaultcorp!
  5. Akeno Himejima

    Server Suggestion Police Broadcast improvements

    A better idea of doing this is wherever the PBC is made is where an ANPR sound plays to warn the driver. This could also be used for the streets before that street as an early warning. It would say in the bottom right corner the message + beeping to make sure less rtc's occur.
  6. Akeno Himejima

    Server Suggestion Donation box\hat

    This idea comes from more darkrp servers that use the very "original" tip jar addon used by almost all servers. Irl, it's common to see people with guitar cases or jars to collect money so in retrospect it would make sense.
  7. Akeno Himejima

    Congrashulayshun señor (better) noir.

    Congrashulayshun señor (better) noir.
  8. Akeno Himejima

    Refund Request (Akeno Himejima)

    Your Steam Name: Akeno Himejima Your Roleplay Name: Akeno Himejima Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:446835904 Reason for Request: Scar that we suspected was minge grabbed was flung by TFU car from Church all the way to subs off ramp. Dealt with in an F6. Requested Items: Scar L Stock Stanag Mag x30...
  9. Akeno Himejima

    Merry Birthday.

    Merry Birthday.
  10. Akeno Himejima

    Server Suggestion ways to demote mayors by votes

    The amount of times I've had mayors on 25% sales taxes while I needed to craft exceeds the amount of times cops have broken policy. I believe this is the way it should be.
  11. Akeno Himejima

    Server Suggestion ways to demote mayors by votes

    This suggestion was more of a way of kicking off Tyrants from Mayor slot. 25% sales taxes, 75% income, 25% fuel, 25% vehicle etc. This should only be allowed if mayor has one of the following at max, this will exclude policies to prevent mis-use.
  12. Akeno Himejima

    Police Suggestion Add red dot to remi cop

    Suggestion Title: Add red dot to remi cop Suggestion Description: Self explanatory, Add red dot to remi due to crosshair now being allowed. Can be used same way as when taking out another weapon as TFU. Why should this be added?: - Due to crosshair being allowed, it makes life easier than...
  13. Akeno Himejima

    i have exams bro, i have more important things on my mind than a "server forum"

    i have exams bro, i have more important things on my mind than a "server forum"
  14. Akeno Himejima

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2024 - Vote

    Gangster's Disciples or B.T.D?
  15. Akeno Himejima

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2024 - Vote

    I ain't getting shit.
  16. Akeno Himejima

    Vault Corporation

    This excludes cheating as Tyla isn't very fond of that. However it is extra to "not snitch."
  17. Akeno Himejima

    Vault Corporation

    Hello Again! There is currently a 25% discount on custom videos for the next while. Order while you still can for quality content made by the vaultcorp team. Thanks, Akeno Via.
  18. Akeno Himejima

    nice dog[ATTACH]

    nice dog
  19. Akeno Himejima

    This server is going to die

    Many people get banned daily and the server still proceeds to hit 128 players and growing. Perpheads will die at some point but it won't for the next few years.
  20. Akeno Himejima

    Come on mate, it's been 4+ hours and you've still not followed what @3izu said. Ban him!!

    Come on mate, it's been 4+ hours and you've still not followed what @3izu said. Ban him!!
  21. Akeno Himejima

    How do you feel about bollards.

    Where do you think. Around the building itself and by the hut near the entrance to prevent cars getting themselves stuck in there.
  22. Akeno Himejima

    Should Jay Walking be punishable by death?

    @torbizzle is always on intersection duty.
  23. Akeno Himejima

    How do you feel about bollards.

    These are bollards for Parker/Glass. CO, Since they were run down and sold as regular "business properties", I know my lore.
  24. Akeno Himejima

    My name is Frank Taylor and I am wanted in slums 3.

    My name is Frank Taylor and I am wanted in slums 3.
  25. Akeno Himejima

    Server Suggestion Pub Worker

    You forgot about radoslav staying at Pub for no reason other than to "use the bathroom"
  26. Akeno Himejima


  27. Akeno Himejima

    Server Suggestion Pub Worker

    This just reminds me of the zarp "bar worker" job. I very much disliked it.
  28. Akeno Himejima

    Vault Corporation

    Dear all, I'm happy to announce that Vault Corporation has introduced a new service, a Custom Video. A member of the Vault Corporation team, including myself, will be in charge of editing any video relating to Perpheads and Perpheads only. All details are provided under the description of the...
  29. Akeno Himejima

    Juan Bonita Never metagame again

  30. Akeno Himejima

    DOWNBAD - Perpheads Montage V7 edited by me

    great use of cinematics as the intro and during the montage, idfk why 60% of the clips are gun game but otherwise good shit :woot: