Search results

  1. IKEA monkey

    Action Request (Jstew)

    Your Steam Name: IKEA monkey Your Roleplay Name: Johnny Pablo Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:454786864 Player's Steam Name: Jstew Player's Roleplay Name: Josh Volkov Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:49383320 Why should this player be punished?: the user as an EMS was combat reviving, during an...
  2. IKEA monkey

    Action Request (Mr. Quack)

    Your Steam Name: IKEA monkey Your Roleplay Name: Johnny Pablo Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:454786864 Player's Steam Name: Mr. Quack Player's Roleplay Name: Loren Cunningham Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:116593371 Why should this player be punished?: the user as an EMS was combat reviving...
  3. IKEA monkey

    Refund Request (IKEA monkey)

    i dont have the clip anymore.
  4. IKEA monkey

    Refund Request (IKEA monkey)

    Your Steam Name: IKEA monkey Your Roleplay Name: Johnny Pablo Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:454786864 Reason for Request: lost my weapon because someone broke gunpoint. Requested Items: 1x MP5/10 1x MP5/10 MAG 1x MP5 STOCK (SOLID) Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member...
  5. IKEA monkey

    Goodbye / giveaway

    Johnny Pablo
  6. IKEA monkey

    Refund Request (IKEA monkey)

    Your Steam Name: IKEA monkey Your Roleplay Name: Johnny Pablo Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:454786864 Reason for Request: someone pushed me off city bridge, without a reason. @Scrabuz responded to the F6, and told me to make the refund request...
  7. IKEA monkey

    Ban Apology (Collier)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Collier How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks Your Steam Name: IKEA monkey Your Roleplay Name: Johnny Pablo Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:454786864 Why were you...
  8. IKEA monkey

    Cop main giveaway!
  9. IKEA monkey

    Ban Apology (Collier)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Collier How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks Your Steam Name: IKEA monkey Your Roleplay Name: Johnny Pablo Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:454786864 Why were you...
  10. IKEA monkey

    Refund Request (IKEA monkey)

    Complaint reference: 996797-KXGJJ-24 Its 2 complaints
  11. IKEA monkey

    Refund Request (IKEA monkey)

    Your Steam Name: IKEA monkey Your Roleplay Name: Johnny Pablo Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:454786864 Reason for Request: me and my friend was doing a raid with picklocks, out of nowhere PD shows up. We inform them of a hostage, which they disregarded and raided the place. resulting with the...
  12. IKEA monkey

    Ban Apology (Collier)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Collier How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks Your Steam Name: IKEA monkey Your Roleplay Name: Johnny Pablo Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:454786864 Why were you...
  13. IKEA monkey

    Action Request (IKEA monkey)

    can you take me to a sit real quick?
  14. IKEA monkey

    Action Request (IKEA monkey)

    i didnt really, think that was ok, as it would be forcing someone to withdraw money.
  15. IKEA monkey

    Action Request (IKEA monkey)

    i lied because, didnt see a reason to drop the full 150k, because it was mugged, for within the rules. i shouldnt have lied, which is my bad.
  16. IKEA monkey

    Action Request (IKEA monkey)

    and the times where i was standing still, was because i was responding to a diffrent f6.
  17. IKEA monkey

    Action Request (IKEA monkey)

    And he attempted to mug me at bazzar, which is in the public's eye
  18. IKEA monkey

    Action Request (IKEA monkey)

    my internett went out 1:00, yesterday which was when it happend. i mugged the guy at DD, which ive got a clip off, then about 15-30 miniutes later, he asked me to forcefully withdraw the money, which i have a clip off. i have yet to watch the clip he sendt, so imma watch it now.
  19. IKEA monkey

    Server Suggestion picking money up, doesnt discharge a weapon

    well, i was doing a raid turned into a hostage sitaution, and getting money of a hostage isnt the worst idea.
  20. IKEA monkey

    Server Suggestion picking money up, doesnt discharge a weapon

    no it lowers the gun, making it ok for PD to shoot there gun at you
  21. IKEA monkey

    Server Suggestion picking money up, doesnt discharge a weapon

    Suggestion Title: picking money up, doesnt discharge a weapon Suggestion Description: i think when picking up money while holding guns, the weapon wont get discharged. Why should this be added?: - this would make it better for solo hostage situations What negatives could this have?: - would...
  22. IKEA monkey

    Server Suggestion Allied shared teamspeak.

    Suggestion Title: Allied shared teamspeak. Suggestion Description: getting a teamspeak VC for allied orgs, it would be a QoL Why should this be added?: - this would help alot, with speaking to allied org members at the same time. What negatives could this have?: - i dont see, how this...
  23. IKEA monkey

    Refund Request (IKEA monkey)

    Your Steam Name: IKEA monkey Your Roleplay Name: Johnny Pablo Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:454786864 Reason for Request: A officer came to a crime scene and started to confisate weapons, without being told to confiscate the weapons and wasnt even apart of the investiagion. Requested Items: 1x...
  24. IKEA monkey

    Refund Request (IKEA monkey)

    Your Steam Name: IKEA monkey Your Roleplay Name: Johnny Pablo Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:454786864 Reason for Request: I am a friend of Mohammud Pablo. Requested Items: 1x Mini UZI 1x EOTech Compact 1x 1x19 suppressor 1x Mini UZI stock Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff...
  25. IKEA monkey

    Refund Request (IKEA monkey)

    Your Steam Name: IKEA monkey Your Roleplay Name: Johnny Pablo Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:454786864 Reason for Request: A officer came to a crime scene and started to confisate weapons, without being told to confiscate the weapons and wasnt even apart of the investiagion. Requested Items: 1x...
  26. IKEA monkey

    Bug Report (i placed a car bomb and nothing happend)

    yeah, ok i got an f6 about it exploding, and why i did it. so its worked after all, but thank you for your time.
  27. IKEA monkey

    Bug Report (i placed a car bomb and nothing happend)

    yeah ok, do you have any idea if they will make it so the engine turns off after some time?
  28. IKEA monkey

    Bug Report (i placed a car bomb and nothing happend)

    i could be wrong, about the engine getting turned off and does the telsa need fuel?
  29. IKEA monkey

    Bug Report (i placed a car bomb and nothing happend)

    yes, i belive the car was still on but the engine was turned off then on again, but nothing happend it was a tesla
  30. IKEA monkey

    Bug Report (i placed a car bomb and nothing happend)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: i placed a car bomb and nothing happend How to reproduce the Bug: idk, i just placed a car bomb and waited for them to start driving, but nothing happend Time Stamp: 16:50 (GMT+2) Errors: no visible error Media: never got a clip, but...