Search results

  1. Locksmith

    Action Request (cartier)

    Will go ahead and request their demo when they are next on, as they claim they might of had experienced lag spikes which caused them to be on the wrong side of the road.
  2. Locksmith

    Action Request (2004 Honda Civic Accord, a123)

    In this situation Harry Slayer should not have gunpointed you here and stolen your items after dragging you into an alleyway( that isn't even muggable btw) as well as kidnapping you for no beneficial reason and attempting to force you to kill yourself at the lake In addition to this John Margon...
  3. Locksmith

    Action Request (cartier)

    I reached out to them, and they stated this "I made the wrong turn due to my driving skills. sometimes it feels like i am driving on ice i am willing to pay the persons car damages since it was not intentional to total someones car"
  4. Locksmith

    Ban Dispute (headline)

    Upon reviewing the evidence from your ban, its pretty evident you stalled compliance and put your life at severe risk here, you should of complied with the officer and surrendered. Reviewed with @blobvis 2.0 @Nazeer and @torbizzle
  5. Locksmith

    Ban Dispute (headline)

    Like stated above, if you do not have that recording, please record a clip from this demo: perpheads_demo_2025-2-11 15-59-11 Ensuring you showcase the entire situation. If you need help doing this refer to this guide: or dm myself
  6. Locksmith

    Ban Dispute (headline)

    Assuming that is your clip you provided, can you please show the entire situation if you had it recorded, whilst you do that, will find the demo name that you will need to upload if you don't have the recording.
  7. Locksmith

    Action Request (cartier)

    May I also ask, when did this occur @willydocker ?
  8. Locksmith

    Action Request (cartier)

    User does not have a forums account, as such i will enquire regarding why they drove on the wrong side here
  9. Locksmith

    Action Request (2004 Honda Civic Accord, a123)

    @Harry Slayer Why did you gunpoint this individual and steal items from him in public, as well as driving him to hicktown and forcing himself to kill himself in the lake @John Margon Why after the other player was gunpointed, did you attempt to get the new players around him to take the firearm...
  10. Locksmith

    Action Request (2004 Honda Civic Accord, a123)

    Reviewing evidence now
  11. Locksmith

    Ban Dispute (scoot)

    Can you please showcase that clip as a still image would not really be enough to dispute this.
  12. Locksmith

    I do not wanna know what is in your search history.

    I do not wanna know what is in your search history.
  13. Locksmith

    Refund Request (sait)

    You are elligable for the following refund 1x MP7 1x MP7 Stock 1x MP& 40x Mag(filled) 1x Reflex sight 1x Rifle compensator Item ID: 185072071
  14. Locksmith

    Refund Request (Slosel)

    When a Adminstrator+ is online, please link this refund request to receive your items You are eligible for the refund of the following: 1x Mp5/10 1xMp5/10 Mag(filled) 1x 1Mp5 Collapsible stock (183314784)
  15. Locksmith

    Police Suggestion Give TFU Lockpicks

    That isn't really a sufficient prevention method, as it has to go through a decently lengthy system to be handled, increasing workload on CC and IA investigators. As well as not being iine with policy's as explained above, as had you followed policy, those inside would be aware of you anyways.
  16. Locksmith

    Police Suggestion Give TFU Lockpicks

    You state that the negatives are negated by current systems, how so? Considering LEOs are to announce themselfs as such whilst making entry to properties to allow non combatants to surrender, this would possibly increase policy breaks(especially given that there is now recruit TFOs ) and in my...
  17. Locksmith

    Server Suggestion WANTED Spawn

    Keep in mind that unless that Officer also joined the server recently, they are not able to see who connects(unless they are staff) as such it lessens the chance of someone metagaming your spawn, it also requires them to even check the out of city warrants, which almost no one does.
  18. Locksmith

    Action Request (sirheinouslot)

    The player has chosen not to respond to this thread, they had no valid reasoning to kill police over a stolen vehicle here. They will receive a 1 Week ban for their actions contained within the video here.
  19. Locksmith

    Action Request (sirheinouslot)

    Will message them on Forums and other third party means to respond, as I am unable to @ them in this message due to special characters in their forum name When they do respond to this action request, please answer this question Why did you shoot at the LEOs with a Tarus 605? can you please...
  20. Locksmith

    Server Suggestion Add a way to tell if your mic is not outputting.

    This also requires you to be aware that your microphone is not outputting correctly, as such a different colour if no mic output is detected when you speak or shows the volume of the output simular to rust's system would work best.
  21. Locksmith

    Setting up signs for bazzar shop/billboards

    If your not willing to pay for Adobe Photoshop( like majority of people) then I use Photopea( get ad blocker as the regular ads can sometimes affect the performance of the software for some weird reason), you can use that to create whatever advertisement you have in mind, then when it comes to...
  22. Locksmith

    Ban Apology (Locksmith)

    You messaged several people including myself in order to get myself to review this faster, remember you are not entitled to be unbanned after submitting a punishment appeal especially in this way. Wait it out
  23. Locksmith

    Ban Dispute (torbizzle)

    Provide some evidence proving your claims that ping related issues caused you to crash within 48 hours otherwise this will be denied. If you do not have a clip, you can record your demo instead, which you can use this guide to help you.
  24. Locksmith


  25. Locksmith

    Warning Dispute (Ezza)

    You had a very clear chance to leave the area of the Bazaar when Ezza was taking DNA, running back up to them whilst they are unaware of the suspect to engage in more combat just put your life at significant risk for no benefit at all, when you could of fled towards the car dealer in order to...
  26. Locksmith

    Ban Apology (Locksmith)

    Your experienced enough to know not to do acts such as this, taking into account your priors, this was lenient, wait the rest out.
  27. Locksmith

    Ban Apology (locksmith)
