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  1. Locksmith

    Can we give you the shitposting rank?

    Can we give you the shitposting rank?
  2. Locksmith

    Spotify Wrapped 2024

    I doubt anyone is surprised with mine...
  3. Locksmith

    Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

    Now you just have me at 10 FPS at Projex because my laptop is temp throttling armed with an M16 and will more then likely teamkill you on the way in.
  4. Locksmith

    Action Request (Juzz)

    @Juzz Can you please justify why you had shot and killed Wayne here?
  5. Locksmith

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2024 - Results!

    I'm so reformed I didn't even get voted for most salty, GGs. (@Franko well, you got the award you were expecting unlucky bud)
  6. Locksmith

    Congrats mate

    Congrats mate
  7. Locksmith

    Ban Apology (Locksmith)

    You had a previous situation regarding a simular rulebreak of 2.5, as well as it clearly stating that killing visually unarmed civillians during raids is disallowed. Take this time to read up on the rules.
  8. Locksmith

    Action Request (Poper)

    It has been more then 21 days since this incident took place, as such this will not be investigated into, quoting the Action Request requirements. "You are expected to make your action request within 21 days of the incident you are reporting, failure to do so may result in no action taken and...
  9. Locksmith

    Action Request (Poper)

    When did this take place? You state that it was a long time ago, do you remember roughly when?
  10. Locksmith

    Action Request (Poper)

    @bare1212 Can you explain why you had killed them here.
  11. Locksmith

    Action Request (Poper)

    Instead of spamming that you were killed for no reason, can you actually provide information regarding the incident, such as what had actually happened, why you believe its a rule break, when this had occurred and where.
  12. Locksmith

    Server Suggestion Extra Bullet in the chamber

    I would actually like this to be worked into the current system, as even some descriptions of the firearms, such as I believe the Scar L states that the capacity of the firearm is 30+1, which of course in practice is not the case at all and is slightly confusing at to see why, as stated by...
  13. Locksmith

    Server Suggestion Police Broadcast improvements

    This would just put more strain on staff, and more or less defeat the point of the PBC being played via TTS, as If it requires staff approval, it might not even be sent out when needed. Either way, those who have access to PBC( typically RTOs and sergeants+ in patrol) misuse would be extremely...
  14. Locksmith

    Ban Apology (Locksmith)

    Thread Bumping your post makes me feel as if you just want to be unbanned, instead of actually showing me that you understand what you had done wrong. Wait it out
  15. Locksmith

    Congrats Lad.

    Congrats Lad.
  16. Locksmith

    Ban appeal @dzukee

    Next time ensure your able to hear commands given to you and pay attention to your surroundings, your record for 3.4 is not the greatest. Shortened to 2 weeks
  17. Locksmith

    Ban appeal @dzukee

    Use the actual form instead of deviating from it, as I cannot even see your prior record or any information that will assist me in making my decision on this appeal.
  18. Locksmith

    Server Suggestion Force name change

    Majority of name changes are rather self explanatory, any logical person would come to the same conclusion with most cases of name changes, as such i don't really see this as a necessary change that needs to be made.
  19. Locksmith

    Server Suggestion Remove fireaxe damage

    I'm pretty certain this was removed for both medics and FD, now the message stated "You have died by a weapon, please follow 3.4" or a similar type message. In relation to the actual suggestion, I personally agree, there isn't really much need for a fireaxe to do damage, as if your abiding by...
  20. Locksmith

    Action Request (SadBoy)

    After reviewing both POV of the situation, we have come to the conclusion that @SadBoy is not in violation of 3.4, he had pulled his firearm as he saw you approach whilst you were sprinting, he was not able to see your firearm, and no commands had been given to him at that point. Reviewed with...
  21. Locksmith

    Action Request (SadBoy)

    @SadBoy Can you please justify why you had pulled a firearm during this situation please.
  22. Locksmith

    Action Request (Sky)

  23. Locksmith

    Action Request (Sky)

    I will await Sky's response, however it seems like they had broken in 2-3 mins before combat had started, possibly being revealed by the cop that was originally killed before having to KOS, but as I said I will await Sky's response.
  24. Locksmith

    Action Request (Sky)

    @SomeUser When did this occur? @Sky What occured, why were you KOSing cops at Regals?
  25. Locksmith

    Action Request (Poper)

    Can you tell Poper to reply to this action request then please.
  26. Locksmith

    Action Request (Poper)

    @bare1212 Can you please explain why you decided to ram into the beach wall at a high rate of speed, seemingly without making an attempt to turn or brake here, what was your plan?
  27. Locksmith

    Model Suggestion Make Rifle Flashlight Pistol Flashlight useful Functional

    How would this even function, how would this even assist you, because it would just cause players to know where you are and allow them to rather easily kill you, in addition to this, you would have to be directly looking straight on the angle for it to function effectively.
  28. Locksmith

    Action Request (Seshwan Deevegs)

    ish @Deevegs You will be receiving a ban for 1 month for 3.4 for your actions here, as you made an attempt to steal a vehicle whilst in direct eyeshot of an officer, which put your liberty at risk whilst doing so. Your record is rather bad and you have seemingly not learned from your past...
  29. Locksmith

    Action Request (Seshwan Deevegs)

    @Deevegs why did you make an attempt to steal the vehicle infront of the officer?
  30. Locksmith

    Ban Apology (Locksmith)
