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  1. Locksmith

    Refund Request (onestepahead10)

    You are eligible for the following refund 1x OTS Pernach 1x OTS Pernach Magazine(Filled) Weapon ID 181605193 Contact an admin+ ingame to receive this refund Reviewed with @Draxen
  2. Locksmith

    Refund Request (Recession)

    You are eligible for the refund of the following items 1x HK MP5K 1X HK MP5k stock 1x MP5K Mag(Filled) Weapon ID: 181564119 Contact an admin+ ingame and link this to receive your refund Reviewed with @Draxen
  3. Locksmith

    How much have you won or lost at the casino?

    Won 10 mil on slots, lost probably like 6 mil on blackjack+ slots like 2 mil on spins when there is a rare car or the tricycle, however im more curious how much @pain and @Nazeer has gambled through their casino blacklists
  4. Locksmith

    Action Request (Dolphin)

    @dolphine Should not have attempted to counter raid whilst cops were on scene, as this put their life at significant risk here, possibly risking having to fight two partys(The cops and then the defenders of the base) as such they will be receiving a warning for their actions here. As the...
  5. Locksmith

    Refund Request (onestepahead10)

    You are able to be refunded the following items : 1x IMI Desert Eagle Mark XIX 1X 12.7x33mm Magazine (Desert Eagle)(Filled) Item ID:180171765 Please make an F6 when an Administrator or higher is on server and link this to receive your refund Reviewed with @Ellie
  6. Locksmith

    Ban Dispute (Locksmith)

    Hi, so, in this scenario, as explained to you within the ticket itself, your vehicle had been shot out, and you had decided to stick around in the situation, failing to leave the area in order to preserve your life, the reason you gave for this, was because your "Nephew" had been shot" I had...
  7. Locksmith

    Server Suggestion Medic stab proof vest unlock + mayor policy

    IF you had read the actual suggestion, then you would notice this has already been mentioned and addressed. Honestly I wouldn't be against this, mainly due to the fact that new players randomly stabbing, attacking shooting or overall just harming EMS without a reason is rather a common...
  8. Locksmith

    Action Request (Dolphin)

    @dolphine Why did you attempt to counter this raid whilst cops were still on scene You have 48 hours to justify your actions.
  9. Locksmith

    Refund Request (dwarvendragon)

    Individual had received their items back, after the situation had occurred.
  10. Locksmith

    Huge Scammer.

    Huge Scammer.
  11. Locksmith

    2nd hand Helper...

    2nd hand Helper...
  12. Locksmith

    The best colour.

    The best colour.
  13. Locksmith

    I was waiting for your message on discord lmao

    I was waiting for your message on discord lmao
  14. Locksmith

    Random Crashes

    Do you utilise a auto exec folder? if so what commands do you have in it, using certain commands causes GMOD to become unstable and more prone to crashing. Removing them will fix the issue.
  15. Locksmith

    Rule Changes and 3.4 poll - 28/07/2024

    In the instance you just stated, you failed to comply with Reasonable orders, he had asked for you to get out and put your hands up, you decided against doing that, instead calling for a supervisor and then asking to be cuffed, the reason he wants you to do so is to ensure his own safety, if you...
  16. Locksmith

    Rule Changes and 3.4 poll - 28/07/2024

    There is detail, it Explictly states, that if a Lethal firearm is pointed at you, and you have no cover nearby to use, and you do not have a firearm in passive stance, you must comply with their orders in the scenario, it does not matter if its an LEO or a civilian that is gun pointing you, you...
  17. Locksmith

    Harsher interpretation of 3.4

    Like you already stated Inchs, if your not close enough to the players, this becomes significantly harder to enforce and time consuming, as you would have to go into your demo with demo ESP and see who the individual was that was watching the shootout, and either return to make another F6 or...
  18. Locksmith

    Perpheads Montage 9 [MIP #1]

    3:17, Bad time to rush in.
  19. Locksmith

    Cannot join

    Have you attempted to use a VPN? Seemingly a simular situation happened to an individual on discord, it seemingly worked for him, however you may not be able to do so if you do not have sufficient time on the server.
  20. Locksmith

    Action Request (Unknown.)

    Your Steam Name: Locksmith Your Roleplay Name: Jack Locks Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:183399913 Player's Steam Name: THE GRINCH & $NICKELL5$ Player's Roleplay Name: Zeke Nickell, Jacen Nickell Player's SteamID: Unknown Why should this player be punished?: Individual had failed to comply under...
  21. Locksmith

    Server Suggestion Armor for Vehicles

    The reason you bring firearms to majority of raids are to ensure that should police come, you can shoot your way out and clear the area of cops, in addition to this, you state the benefits to this suggestion to be allowing people to flee from the police after a raid is performed, however if cops...
  22. Locksmith

    Blacklist Apology (Apollo)

    As this is a internal suspension issued by Apollo, this cannot be appealed via an Apology, you will have to wait for an investigation to be lauched and dealt with by Internal Affairs. Typically you will have to await for the end of the investigation and for the complaint to have been dealt...
  23. Locksmith

    Action Request (Hecci)

    Within the small clip I'm about to provide, I actually do shoot at a civilian earlier on, who was watching the situation, however, it is not you, nor was it Hecci in this occasion.
  24. Locksmith

    Action Request (Hecci)

    Within this video here, it demonstrates that even after I was revived, I myself did not shoot at you or your friends, not even discharging a shot towards a civillian apart from the sweater who attempted to enter Slums after he was shot at. This showcases the last part of the shootout, after I...
  25. Locksmith

    Action Request (Hecci)

    I will attach further evidence when I am able to, however if that is true, how come you failed to leave the area after being shot numerous times by Nazeer and apparently being shot by myself at one point in the raid, wouldn't it be better to do so in order to preserve your life
  26. Locksmith

    Action Request (Hecci)

    If you watch the YouTube link I attached, it clearly showcases that I did not shoot at civillians in this situation, nor did I even shoot toward the Market Stalls.
  27. Locksmith

    Action Request (Hecci)

    @MustiK6 Do you wish to give your input on you placing a KOS on myself, I believe it rather clear that I made no attempt to shoot/ harm civilians within my video and that I was not the one to harm you in this situation, therefore I believe that you shouldn't of called KOS on myself(To make it...