Search results

  1. Locksmith

    Tillin made a oopsie

    The Indiviual that you reported had received a 3.4 warning for the actions within the action request, using the steamID you included, it is also entirely possible that the player changed steam names after the action request was made.
  2. Locksmith

    Action Request (Scrooge Mcduck)

    Your Steam Name: Locksmith Your Roleplay Name: Tan Yanyu Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:183399913 Player's Steam Name: Scrooge Mcduck Player's Roleplay Name: Jack Marly Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:511028600 Why should this player be punished?: 3.3, when pushing myself during a Projex...
  3. Locksmith

    There is no way this is real.

    There is no way this is real.
  4. Locksmith

    Community Suggestion Mods allow users to chat in administrative threads

    It does not take a significant amount of common sense to realise that If your not involved within the administrative thread, that you should not message unnecessary, It is a Forum rule for a reason (2.5 if I'm not mistaken) and those who violate typically get warned/barred from posting on the...
  5. Locksmith

    Yap alert

    Yap alert