Search results

  1. Allen Kennedy

    Move 11.9: Discharging a firearm to section 7

    I can't see how any law reform is gonna change that. Generally speaking, folks should avoid shooting guns in their home unless they have to.
  2. Allen Kennedy

    Move 11.9: Discharging a firearm to section 7

    11.9 is specific about discharging a weapon in a public or private dwelling, and is an infraction. How about this instead: Modify 11.9 to remove public buildings and focus on private property, as that is the only place where it should be considered a lesser charge. And add this, for shooting a...
  3. Allen Kennedy

    Paralake V6 Development Update (February)

    me gonna be there ready to channel the spirit of Eli Dicken and save the day. (I will actually just watch in noclip with popcorn)
  4. Allen Kennedy

    Action Request (Gerrshwin , Universal Credit Spender , Ryan , Matthew , Honkerst)

    @Not_Cherry2007 why did you shoot the police officer? You have 48 hours to respond. @Gerrshwin why did you gunpoint the police officer to release the man when he would, at most, be charged with failure to co-operate or destruction of evidence. Additionally, why did you then fail to follow...
  5. Allen Kennedy

    Server Suggestion Stolen Vehicle Insurance

    That's a surefire way to make sure hardly anyone gets punished for stealing cars and deliberately wrecking them.
  6. Allen Kennedy

    Server Suggestion Stolen Vehicle Insurance

    Because the staff team is already acting as stolen vehicle insurance whenever someone steals and wrecks a car anyway, so why not automate it to save the headache?
  7. Allen Kennedy

    Ban Apology (allen)

    Hi, your ban has expired.
  8. Allen Kennedy

    Teach police officers basic cpr

    If this gets added and then limited to supervisors I'm going to actually kill someone.
  9. Allen Kennedy

    Action Request (Gerrshwin , Universal Credit Spender , Ryan , Matthew , Honkerst)

    Please amend your action request to include evidence. @selrahc
  10. Allen Kennedy

    Action Request (Policeman)

    After extensive review, it's been determined that whilst 3.4 was not broken, rule 3.18 was. Whilst @Policeman was not being actively pursued - ie: he could not see his pursuer, and his pursuer could not see him - his safety and/or liberty was still very much in danger, as he had only just left...
  11. Allen Kennedy

    Server Suggestion Stolen Vehicle Insurance

    Suggestion Title: Stolen Vehicle Insurance Suggestion Description: When a vehicle is stolen, if it is then tiered before the owner can recover it, then the tier fix fee is dramatically reduced to $2500 or something similar. The idea being, you have insurance on your vehicle that covers theft...
  12. Allen Kennedy

    Action Request (Policeman)

  13. Allen Kennedy

    Action Request (Policeman)

    @Policeman Would you be able to provide a clip showing the incident in it's entirety, from when you took the cash at suburbs, to when you engaged in the shootout with Hoblit at Hospital? Alternatively, or preferably, additionally, @Hoblit would you be able to provide a clip showing the same...
  14. Allen Kennedy

    Action Request (Policeman)

    Ah yes, reviewing the logs I can see that is indeed a separate incident, my apologies. I don't believe a breach of 3.4 occurred in that incidence though, as his POV showed no commands or aimed weapon until after he'd drawn his own weapon. Additionally, I don't believe a breach of 3.4 occurred...
  15. Allen Kennedy

    Action Request (Policeman)

    His clip shows a different perspective which leads me to believe that it's not in fact a breach of rule 3.4, as he had his gun drawn before he either saw a gun in your hand, or heard your commands. I'm not sure why you were gunpointing him to retrieve the stolen cash, when you had already killed...
  16. Allen Kennedy

    Action Request (Policeman)

    You had already killed him and finished him off though?
  17. Allen Kennedy

    Action Request (Policeman)

    @Hoblit What was your intention in this clip?
  18. Allen Kennedy

    Server Suggestion Binocular Sound

    Yeah, I have no idea why binoculars make a noise at all. Can't see any upside for keeping them noisy. That and the camera could really use a rework.
  19. Allen Kennedy

    i am getting a new computer please give me a parts list

    current 4090 owners on suicide watch so they'll be going cheap!
  20. Allen Kennedy

    Police Suggestion Reduce the sentence for assault

    If I give someone 5yr5k for assault, it's because they're a minge and they deserve it, or they were given an opportunity to stop, and continued anyway. Just need better policies to discourage max sentences for the tiniest reason.
  21. Allen Kennedy


  22. Allen Kennedy

    What did you get for secret santa?

    I got a game where you can fuck a bear, Kurt Cobain simulator, and from @Creepis <3 u bb.
  23. Allen Kennedy

    will my pc atleast get 30-60 fps?

    Nobody has good fps on perp. The engine is older than 95% of the playerbase.
  24. Allen Kennedy

    PLPD Online Suggestion Add an option to deal with car bombs

    Start engine, get out of car, run
  25. Allen Kennedy

    Map Suggestion Wheelchair Infrastructure

    Suggestion Title: Wheelchair Infrastructure Suggestion Description: Paralake is a modern city, and with v6 right around the corner, it is well past due that the city's infrastructure is updated to include more disabled-friendly access ramps, at least for public buildings, and for getting around...
  26. Allen Kennedy

    Who is your patrol buddy?

    Usually I patrol alone or buddy up with anyone I can tolerate.
  27. Allen Kennedy

    Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

    The idea is that it would be a trade-off though, similar to how some people opt for concealable weapons so they can blend in better, some might opt for not using armour for the exact same reason. That armour would be visible from a long way off, and make positive target identification much...