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  1. CensoredExe

    Your chance to manage ParalakeNews

    @Benj We dont plan on slandering anyone, i dont see how this is relevant unless i slander people.
  2. CensoredExe

    Your chance to manage ParalakeNews

    @Benj This is exactly why I want it community run lol Noone wants to read about a fire in game, or a raid or some dumb shit, which was what the old original paralakenews was, which is why it died. People actually read this one because it had topics that they wanted to read about, such as PLPD...
  3. CensoredExe

    Your chance to manage ParalakeNews

    Once fully active again, you will most likely be reached out to by journalists if youre running events, however if youre not approach us and were more than happy to give publicity to the event
  4. CensoredExe

    Your chance to manage ParalakeNews

    @Benj Because its not in-character news, the majority of stories we cover are related to OOC, Staff, PLPD or Development.
  5. CensoredExe

    Your chance to manage ParalakeNews

    Im split between wanting it to be run by a staff members (more likely to work harder and be passionate about community) and a community members (no staff bias)
  6. CensoredExe

    Your chance to manage ParalakeNews

    ParalakeNews I havent ran ParalakeNews in a while, but I still believe it has a ton of missed out potential because of my laziness and unwillingess to write articles. Please PM me on the forums if youre interested at all, you would be managing the website and discord and...
  7. CensoredExe

    How to rob the slots TUTORIALS

    all it takes is a strong mentality and 150k
  8. CensoredExe

    Server Suggestion Tourniquet

    Only way i could see this ever being useful is if it took maybe 1-3 seconds to apply and didnt stop you from shooting like you said. Bandages only take a few seconds to apply, in all honesty i dont think this would really be worth the development time.
  9. CensoredExe

    whoever marlett is has serious dyslexia

    whoever marlett is has serious dyslexia
  10. CensoredExe

    what does your pfp mean

    what does your pfp mean
  11. CensoredExe

    How to rob the slots TUTORIALS

    methods being sold via perp forums? thought i was on the wrong forums for a second.... fraudboys stay winning
  12. CensoredExe

    Police Suggestion Introduce MANDATORY po for officers with under 10 hours playtime

    I think this idea would be cool if the time was signifcantly dropped from 10 hours! 2 hours imo seems like a good period of time
  13. CensoredExe

    Police Suggestion Introduce MANDATORY po for officers with under 10 hours playtime

    my point still stands, their first 10 hours on the server is now considerably more boring, as they are limited from a huge aspect of the server that for many new players is the sole things helping them learn or introducing them to the server. People want to be in gunfights, and for new players...
  14. CensoredExe

    Police Suggestion Introduce MANDATORY po for officers with under 10 hours playtime

    I think new officers causing havok isnt that common, i feel like all this will do is deter new players from getting into the server as many will get into the server through jobs like the PD as its the easiest way to learn and jump in, though youre now limiting their first 10 hours of gameplay to...
  15. CensoredExe

    Police Suggestion Reverse Spikestrip (Functionality Change)

    This is cool and if the developers want to spend the time adding this to the game, they definitely should. But, I can’t imagine this is a tiny job and for some a small niche feature that doesn’t really change anything except make spiking vehicles slightly cooler, maybe it’s not the most...
  16. CensoredExe

    What Do You Think about me

    What’s your in character name?
  17. CensoredExe

    Big up the Bromsgrove mandem

    Big up the Bromsgrove mandem
  18. CensoredExe

    you guys are just roleplaying as coke addicts? oops

    you guys are just roleplaying as coke addicts? oops
  19. CensoredExe


    notable mention "we aint no pedos but that kids gonna get touched"
  20. CensoredExe


    bigup brum southside others:
  21. CensoredExe

    just outside, in bromsgrove

    just outside, in bromsgrove
  22. CensoredExe

    zarp moment

    zarp moment
  23. CensoredExe

    Build weapon shops!

    need this gun in the game
  24. CensoredExe

    i clicked this and before i could scroll to the bottom to see the rest off the image i thought...

    i clicked this and before i could scroll to the bottom to see the rest off the image i thought you were flexing a dildo
  25. CensoredExe

    Police Suggestion Senior Officer Changes

    How can a senior role still not have permission to confiscate narcotics
  26. CensoredExe

    Server Suggestion Give EMS Fire Extuingishers

    +1 Means fire response will happen a lot more as there will be firefighters on duty a lot more + makes each job less boring
  27. CensoredExe

    Server Suggestion Make punishment times more flexible

    The simplest solution is just to have a box with how many minutes you want to ban them for, and allow the staff too figure out how many minutes they need for a month etc I don’t know how it’s currently written, but I presume this wouldn’t mean you’d have to rewrite any code currently in place...
  28. CensoredExe

    ☣Zero Tolerance☣

  29. CensoredExe

    Inactivity mainly smh

    Inactivity mainly smh
  30. CensoredExe


    It’s a role that’s given as gratitude towards ex staff members for their hard work, it would have been taken away because they probably don’t want people with official ranks acting inappropriately. Just because you’re a former marine doesn’t mean they’ll let you walk in an army memorial and...