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  1. CensoredExe

    Server Suggestion BUFF SHROOMS

    Surely because of the added risk of growing shrooms in public, an argument could be made that they should earn more than other methods of drug production, though maybe limiting the amount of planters you can place while also growing shrooms so its not too OP
  2. CensoredExe

    Just because im looking out for an underage member of our community who has previously expressed...

    Just because im looking out for an underage member of our community who has previously expressed mental health issues due to bullying online and in school, doesnt make me a snowflake. I'm not saying what was in that thread was neccersarily bullying, I just wanted to start a dialogue about it as...
  3. CensoredExe

    Unnecessary toxicity towards minors

    @curak I agree, parents should monitor it, but that doesn’t mean we can just use that as an excuse to look away from the issue and put blame on others.
  4. CensoredExe

    Unnecessary toxicity towards minors

    @curak I heard Roy and some other staff members say similar things. Ofcourse age should be considered, you don’t go up to a children’s football game and start screaming demoralising abuse because that’s obviously in appropriate.
  5. CensoredExe

    Unnecessary toxicity towards minors

    @curak I agree 100% but I feel as a platform we have some responsibility to safeguard minors, parents don’t know what’s being said to their kids online.
  6. CensoredExe

    Unnecessary toxicity towards minors

    @Hayden there are larger factors that just age, he’s previously expressed mental health issues and highlighted abuse he receives from people at his school and online. I don’t understand how you can all defend so much your right to give demoralising abuse to a child that’s expressed these...
  7. CensoredExe

    Unnecessary toxicity towards minors

    @curak Age does matter. I don’t even know how to merit this with a response
  8. CensoredExe

    Unnecessary toxicity towards minors

    @Dank I’m not offended I just feel the responses were over the top @Hayden we all lied on our applications as kids so I would take that with a pinch of salt
  9. CensoredExe

    Unnecessary toxicity towards minors

    You’re missing the point, and I’m fairly sure he’s not 15
  10. CensoredExe

    Unnecessary toxicity towards minors

    It’s more of a larger issue but still I feel the PLPDs response felt disproportionate
  11. CensoredExe

    Unnecessary toxicity towards minors

    Just to add some context I feel most people are missing. My point is that I feel the demoralising abuse Aaron faces daily is disproportionate to his age. He’s a very young child that’s previously expressed mental health issues and a limited social life outside of PERP, yet grown adults and...
  12. CensoredExe

    Unnecessary toxicity towards minors

    I’m talking a bit younger than 15, but if you really did no dumb shit when you were younger you must be an exception. I’m not necessarily talking about making music videos and uploading them online, but I feel the majority of us (especially if you were apart of communities similar to this from...
  13. CensoredExe

    Unnecessary toxicity towards minors

    @Niko I completely agree 100% with you, however, I feel he’s only doing this to pander to a community he looks up to to try and fit in, as anyone would in his situation.
  14. CensoredExe

    Unnecessary toxicity towards minors

    @money I’m unsure how to even respond to this This isn’t an adult community, stop acting like everyone has the same maturity as you and throwing a hissy fit when you can’t throw abuse at everyone in the community Either make this community 14, 16 or 18+, or protect minors from unnecessary abuse.
  15. CensoredExe

    Unnecessary toxicity towards minors

    @Dank No I’m just asking adults to treat children as children, not the same as emotionally mature adults who would be able to take the joke. Aaron does report many things said to him, but I doubt he will report anything said on that because of the amount of senior members saying it aswell as...
  16. CensoredExe

    Unnecessary toxicity towards minors

    @Dank I expect people to be cautious of the fact he’s a child and children don’t have the same emotional maturity of the rest of us. I understand this is an online gaming community so that might be pretty hard, but it seems like a simple task just to be wary that he’s a child and might not...
  17. CensoredExe

    Unnecessary toxicity towards minors

    @money It’s a child, stop acting like he’s a grown man and deserves abuse for acting like a child (which a grown man would deserve abuse for, a child wouldnt). It’s not really something anyone’s debating that he receives abuse daily on perp, because he does. Try following him around, or monitor...
  18. CensoredExe

    Unnecessary toxicity towards minors

    This isn’t about being snowflakes, this is about just not seeing the need to attack anything and everything a young child does. I know Aaron is aids and many people don’t like him but it just feels so unnecessary the amount of abuse he gets on this community and no one points it out or cares. I...
  19. CensoredExe

    Unnecessary toxicity towards minors

    I read this and went back to the thread and initially thought maybe I was wrong, though upon reading what the account posted yet again, I’m back at the same conclusion that it just seems over the top imo?
  20. CensoredExe

    Unnecessary toxicity towards minors

    @Jack Bushross I agree but I think this just proves that he’s trying to pander to the community and fit in, some of the responses were just unnecessary for a child to receive over him just having fun online imo
  21. CensoredExe

    Unnecessary toxicity towards minors

    I’ve been in this community a long time and anyone who says Aaron doesn’t receive abuse on the daily is blind. Just because it’s a shit post I don’t get how you just decide to throw the fact he’s a literal child out the window, jokes are fine but some of the responses just seem over the top
  22. CensoredExe

    Unnecessary toxicity towards minors

    I see your point but as others are doing it within the community I think it’s fair to say he’s just looking up to others and trying to get recognition. I don’t think Aaron’s gonna be giving out yingings any time soon
  23. CensoredExe

    Unnecessary toxicity towards minors

    I've been away from the community for a little while but have been keeping up to date on the forums and saw this post from Aaron. Im obviously not saying any of the "music" he made was good, or anywhere near it, but what baffled me is the amount of grown men replying with abuse thats insane. I...
  24. CensoredExe

    PLPD clown department - A cheffz

    I know everyone loves shitting on you (probably rightfully so) and I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion but, Youre still young and youre just trying to have fun in a community you enjoy, maybe you made something nowhere near anything good or even interpretable, but I dont think...
  25. CensoredExe

    PLPD clown department - A cheffz

    log onto forums on your phone?
  26. CensoredExe

    Make it easier to control M4A1 recoil

    M4 should have less recoil than the AK? Why in game is it so uncontrollable
  27. CensoredExe

    Vault Corporation

    I thought the website had this feature for ages, is it now only just being used or am I just remembering wrong
  28. CensoredExe

    Check ur snap b I’ll send virtual tokes for ur bday

    Check ur snap b I’ll send virtual tokes for ur bday
  29. CensoredExe

    Crypto Currency

    Cant stress monero (XMR) enough dark web is making it the global standard for drug purchases, its only on the rise
  30. CensoredExe

    DJ Conyo - Parkelele V5 (Ft. Kenty)

    As much as I know kenty will not want to do this I can’t express anything more in this world I want than this collab