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  1. The White Glove Society

    You used to be cool but you a narc now.

    You used to be cool but you a narc now.
  2. The White Glove Society

    Who is your patrol buddy?

    I used to patrol with @HuskyD0G but now all he does is talk about being a big shot in IA and threatens to write me up for speeding if I go even a mile over the limit. I have known this guy for 5 years and he is the world's biggest narc.
  3. The White Glove Society

    You made some good points about the 3.4 rule. Although I believe it is essential for RP I...

    You made some good points about the 3.4 rule. Although I believe it is essential for RP I completely agree that it isn't explained at all in the rules and therefore can be interpreted in basically an unlimited number of ways by an admin.
  4. The White Glove Society

    Permed for fleeing. That's crazy, free this man up!

    Permed for fleeing. That's crazy, free this man up!
  5. The White Glove Society

    Permabanned giveaway

    Borris Bones. I just read your ban reason, why on earth did you get permed for that, that's outrageous,
  6. The White Glove Society

    If you could unban someone from the community who would it be?

    @The White Glove Society It's only a matter of time before I get banned.
  7. The White Glove Society

    Action Request (Akagami Shanks)

    Boss I am off to bed shortly but ill end on this. As far as I am aware the usage of lethal force is on a per-person basis. You cannot just gun someone down because they are associated with a murderer. Even if he successfully broke him out of cuffs you could have tazered or nightsticked them both...
  8. The White Glove Society

    Action Request (Akagami Shanks)

    Listen chief, I ain't ex-staff my record is irrelevant you are clutching at straws and hyperventilating at 1am because you got reported for gunning down an unarmed guy. Go to bed, get some sleep it'll be fine in the morning.
  9. The White Glove Society

    Action Request (Akagami Shanks)

    Yes, the statement that I previously made that you used excessive force and that this is clearly an act of revenge, not a real complaint.
  10. The White Glove Society

    Action Request (Akagami Shanks)

    Come on bro a hate report and gas lighting? Let's give it a rest, shall we.
  11. The White Glove Society

    Action Request (Akagami Shanks)

    Hi Officer Borris here. The cop did use blatant excessive force as he gunned down a guy who only had a crowbar. Also, I don't believe he broke 3.4 as he shouldn't have been killed as there was no valid reason for him to have been gunned down. You could argue that he was putting his freedom at...
  12. The White Glove Society

    Rule Changes and 3.4 poll - 28/07/2024

    Well, they are obviously gonna die but if that's enforced in the rules then big organizations can go around bulling people with pistols all day long.
  13. The White Glove Society

    Bone Lord

    Long live the bone lord!
  14. The White Glove Society

    Bro your PFP is absolutely outrageous :cool::laughcry:

    Bro your PFP is absolutely outrageous :cool::laughcry:
  15. The White Glove Society

    So glad you are supporting pride month. What an awesome profile picture.

    So glad you are supporting pride month. What an awesome profile picture.
  16. The White Glove Society

    Happy Pride Month 2024!

    Let's start one. Come to Derby we can have a pint and work out the details.
  17. The White Glove Society

    PERP Controller Montage

    Whoopydidoo you can kill pistol cops but when I pull up I drop your entire org.
  18. The White Glove Society

    Action Request (Apollo)

    Hi, it's Borris here. No idea why Simon made this I am not enough of a Fed to report someone on the forums for something this minor especially since I lost nothing and it lead to a fun police interaction. If Simon/A1L wants to continue this report he can since it did also effect him but I don't...
  19. The White Glove Society

    Server Suggestion RC can only tow clamped vehicles

    Nah it's fine I do it all the time. They should have parked properly.
  20. The White Glove Society

    Server Suggestion RC can only tow clamped vehicles

    Yeah, Chief ima go ahead and disagree. I understand it from a gameplay viewpoint but from a realistic point of view, it doesn't make much sense. Also, I love to tow people's cars while they are still in there. Also, boss man Travis has a point when he talks about people having an increased...
  21. The White Glove Society

    Server Suggestion Censorship policy

    I play GMOD exclusively to annoy people, +1
  22. The White Glove Society

    Dig bar does it better.

    Dig bar does it better.
  23. The White Glove Society

    Server Suggestion PD Snitch expansion

    +1 I would like to add an extra option which is the ability to bail your organization members out of jail.
  24. The White Glove Society

    You linked an article on the IRA in a ban apology, you are a legend. :laughcry:

    You linked an article on the IRA in a ban apology, you are a legend. :laughcry:
  25. The White Glove Society

    Best staff member, free him up.

    Best staff member, free him up.
  26. The White Glove Society

    Action Request (Biggo)

    I was going through my clips and found a 5-minute clip of the RDM and lead-up to it. It is 5 minutes as I use Medal to record and I cap the shadowplay to 5 minutes. In this video you will see no harassment, name calling, etc and you will actually see I am incredibly reasonable with the guy...
  27. The White Glove Society

    Action Request (Hank Crank)

    Hello, so this is regarding why I shot him. The clip does a good job of showing what was going on however, it doesn't show the length of time. This poor guy had been in the sea for like 15 minutes drowing over and over being farmed for XP. On the police radio, someone said he was afk and others...
  28. The White Glove Society

    Shhh don't tell anyone.

    Shhh don't tell anyone.
  29. The White Glove Society

    Action Request (Biggo)

    I honestly think you have confused me with another officer I remember you accusing me of confiscating your gun in rp and me saying that it wasn't me. Just to make sure you know who I am my character is a white man named Mortimer Blackwell.
  30. The White Glove Society

    Action Request (Biggo)

    I am not sure what you mean when you say it has been dealt with by Nate. I would just like to again state I had no f6 made on me while I was on the server and was not asked for comment by any staff member. I agree though no point in doing a back and forward I would highly recommend demo...