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  1. Moon The Goon


    how some people are gonna support this plonker is beyond me. Absolute joke of a human being
  2. Moon The Goon


    Boris is the best of a bad bunch really.
  3. Moon The Goon


    if u vote labour ur a cunt simple as. Jeremy Corbyn is an IRA terrorist sympathizing prick who makes a ridiculous amount of stupid promises that could ruin this country more then it already is.
  4. Moon The Goon

    I had the same problem

    I had the same problem
  5. Moon The Goon

    Vote me biggest troll or funniest member <3

    hes done this his whole life
  6. Moon The Goon

    Police Suggestion Officers earn more money!

    @Ashur u dont get a say faggot hacking cunt
  7. Moon The Goon

    We need active staff

    Some admins are as good as Ian foot at keeping people out the server/country.
  8. Moon The Goon

    We need active staff

    make me mod and ill sort out all the problems ill make a limit to hours per day Israelis can spend on the server as at the moment they are sleep deprived.
  9. Moon The Goon

    1500 WORDS

    oh well id rather do 2 hours of fuck all then do a day worth of working my guy
  10. Moon The Goon

    1500 WORDS

    You take the half an hour detention and phone call home because it'll take you 3 hours to do the homework. so just use logic.
  11. Moon The Goon

    1500 WORDS

    its scon
  12. Moon The Goon

    MrAaron returning

    Im expecting an invite to the org when you make one lad x
  13. Moon The Goon

    dramatic burning house raid scene

    no different sitution
  14. Moon The Goon

    Ar on Jack Richards,Tyrone Watson,Sossa

    I was one of the officers, u made no attempt to leave you had some twats walking around with phones like spastics giving information on where everyone was. There was like fuckin 12 of u, u could easily get away u simply just didnt make an effort.
  15. Moon The Goon

    Accepted AR - RR please

    'internet cut out' ur waffling
  16. Moon The Goon

    Accepted AR - RR please

    Lol im fairly sure u lost none of it so dont try and get refunded something u didnt lose my friend.
  17. Moon The Goon

    Update Log - 9/11/2019

    the number of guns you lot gained from your high marksmanship against lower marksmanship should pay for the refund of ammo :) thankyou and goodnight
  18. Moon The Goon

    Old Videos Thread - #UnbanYouseff

    @Exnem yep
  19. Moon The Goon

    Current favourite songs [OFFICIAL]

    i think its french techno
  20. Moon The Goon

    im a passive rper

    im a passive rper
  21. Moon The Goon

    AR on MoonTheSpoon and Ryan Henderson

    I blanked it cuz i cant be fucked to entertain ur saltiness
  22. Moon The Goon

    AR on MoonTheSpoon and Ryan Henderson

    @Daft Punk provide evidence.
  23. Moon The Goon

    Update Log - 9/11/2019

    obviously city is a bit shit for fps other then that i think evo is a lot of fun and i dunno why some people are complaining.
  24. Moon The Goon

    Nooni - Second Montage

    not metagame if i dont use it to my advantage x
  25. Moon The Goon

    AR on MoonTheSpoon and Ryan Henderson

    all of u came out guns blazing u just took a fat L in terms of me sitting in a car infront of u and u doing nothing about it.
  26. Moon The Goon

    AR on MoonTheSpoon and Ryan Henderson

    I was just acting on u shooting my mates so....
  27. Moon The Goon

    Industrial area Races- 7pm

    my pink chevi spark would smoke everyone say nuttin