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  1. Alexander Smith

    Recommand me a Headset

    Good point but you are telling me they are discriminating people with insomnia? (I am sorry I just needed to lol)
  2. Alexander Smith

    Recommand me a Headset

    Then you can't forget to charge them? They can break up mid gameplay or work you can't strangled yourself
  3. Alexander Smith

    Recommand me a Headset

    Hyperx cloud 2. +My personal favourite +Robust +got some wight to them +Quality +clear sound +7.1 +Good balanced bass +Easy to manoeuvre and personalise +Both 3.5mm and USB C +Not to expensive, you get what you pay ------------------ -you need to clip the controller to your clothes...
  4. Alexander Smith

    to practise you spend time,you give up something a.k.a a pice of you. For me, It was clear as...

    to practise you spend time,you give up something a.k.a a pice of you. For me, It was clear as the sun on the sky that I wanted to improve,adapt and overcome so I could become better. I say with pleasure and joy that knowledge is power and power is fun,You should try it.It is 10-45A for not only...
  5. Alexander Smith


  6. Alexander Smith

    Tack, det samma till dig

    Tack, det samma till dig
  7. Alexander Smith

    Action request

    Thank you Kenty
  8. Alexander Smith

    Action request

    Don't say it to me, Tell her it instead. And if she chooses to accept you it is up to her but at least do that and do it properly.
  9. Alexander Smith

    Action request

    But there are rules for helping people to be shielded from discrimination and hate. I could totally deem this a hate crime due to it being from OOC to IC. The officer was targeted not only for her sexual identification but also for her way of living her life. Why do we even have rule 1.1 and...
  10. Alexander Smith

    Action request

    And to combine disrespectful behaviour OOC and then later bring it IC I deem and would say that it is fitting criteria for discrimination
  11. Alexander Smith

    Action request

    Not really, You comments started OOC and then was moved IC. And therefore I class it for discrimination
  12. Alexander Smith

    Action request

    I am all for being aids and saying stupid stuff for a burst of laughter but to break OOC and out from the blue discriminate someone for a sexual identification I will just outright say that I disagree and therefore I deem this harsh and not acceptable.
  13. Alexander Smith

    Action request

    May I ask what you deem so funny?
  14. Alexander Smith

    Action request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Smoof/ Heikki Smith His/Her Steam/In-game Name: DB KILLER / Dylan Rusell ligma_disk_drive / ? Osama Bin Trappin / ? Jack Richards His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51492557 STEAM_0:1:449413770 ? ? Why Should This Player Be Punished: 1.1 Disrespectful behaviour...
  15. Alexander Smith

    Inget? Hoppa helt tänk på njuren,tänderna och knoppen annars kan du köra Apotekarens som det ska...

    Inget? Hoppa helt tänk på njuren,tänderna och knoppen annars kan du köra Apotekarens som det ska vara och har varit i alla våra år
  16. Alexander Smith

    Thank you soo much <3

    Thank you soo much <3
  17. Alexander Smith

    Tackar brorsan

    Tackar brorsan
  18. Alexander Smith

    Thank you creamy pie

    Thank you creamy pie
  19. Alexander Smith

    thank you soo much, milk? ... MILK GIVE ME MILK<3 <3

    thank you soo much, milk? ... MILK GIVE ME MILK<3 <3
  20. Alexander Smith

    Thank you very muuch :P

    Thank you very muuch :P
  21. Alexander Smith

    Thank you :P <3

    Thank you :P <3
  22. Alexander Smith

    Thank you :P

    Thank you :P
  23. Alexander Smith

    Hosting site

    Hahah So I just woke up and logged on the forums and I read -"Hostage site"- Well well thank you for sharing this looks interesting
  24. Alexander Smith

    3 Month VIP Giveaway!!!

    Smoof STEAM_0:0:78466119
  25. Alexander Smith


    Danke Kameraden
  26. Alexander Smith


    copy, confirm: So you got a wild animal time checking at location child neglect status is critical and requested code 3 response
  27. Alexander Smith


    copy from dispatch 10-22 showing status available over.
  28. Alexander Smith

    What was the order in which you played on certain consoles/gaming devices?

    Windows XP, Windows 98, Nintendo 8-bit, Super Nintendo, PlayStation 1, PlayStation 2, Windows 7, PlayStation 3, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and lastly PlayStation 4
  29. Alexander Smith


    Well, I am buffed and totally out of words, thank you all for your nice comments really make my heart melt. I would not be the same person if it wasn't for you guys so really thank you both for laughter memories and joy full moment. Looking forward to paying more time with all along the way