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  1. adrenalinejamie

    happy birthday :)

    happy birthday :)
  2. adrenalinejamie

    omg thank you sorry i didnt see this at first

    omg thank you sorry i didnt see this at first
  3. adrenalinejamie


    Smoking ganja with the gyaldem XD
  4. adrenalinejamie

    happy birthday :)

    happy birthday :)
  5. adrenalinejamie


    i mean i look moody but who cares :laughcry:
  6. adrenalinejamie


    Game of Thrones reference :laughcry: /Selfie
  7. adrenalinejamie

    happy birthday :)

    happy birthday :)
  8. adrenalinejamie

    oh my prince the money is yours ill be waiting XD

    oh my prince the money is yours ill be waiting XD
  9. adrenalinejamie

    happy birthday

    happy birthday
  10. adrenalinejamie

    happy birthday

    happy birthday
  11. adrenalinejamie

    happy birthday

    happy birthday
  12. adrenalinejamie

    happy birthday :)

    happy birthday :)
  13. adrenalinejamie

    happy birthday

    happy birthday
  14. adrenalinejamie


  15. adrenalinejamie

    happy birthday

    happy birthday
  16. adrenalinejamie

    happy birthday

    happy birthday
  17. adrenalinejamie

    awww thanks :D

    awww thanks :D
  18. adrenalinejamie

    giving to the community / goodbye

    So i made a goodbye not long ago but a few people managed to convince me to stay however now I will be leaving but before i leave i will sell my car and will be giving money to new players to let them get a car and to kickstart them a little bit i hope this will inspire other players to help out...
  19. adrenalinejamie

    "yall triflin hoes need to chill" - HoeJay 2k17

    "yall triflin hoes need to chill" - HoeJay 2k17
  20. adrenalinejamie

    chill out fam its a double barrel.... XD

    chill out fam its a double barrel.... XD
  21. adrenalinejamie

    y tho XD

    y tho XD
  22. adrenalinejamie

    inactive / possibly goodbye

    I will try to come on as much as possible but i have now got a job that is every week day and sometimes Saturday , so i would like to say a thank you to the staff and all the people i have met since joining in 2014 i have had some great times and will hopefully have more great time in the future :)
  23. adrenalinejamie


    i cringe at the filter but yano
  24. adrenalinejamie

    Post the flag of your County/Province/State

    Kettering coat of arms
  25. adrenalinejamie

    Post the flag of your County/Province/State

    Northamptonshire Kettering
  26. adrenalinejamie

    Les Reines Applications

    Out of character information: Steam Name: HoeJay Age (you don't have to disclose this):17 Playtime:41 days 20 hours In character information: Name:Jamie Goodman Age:28 Firearms Level:32 Vehicle(s): Nissan 350z and ford transit Notable organisations:the original GoodFellas , Sanchez as...
  27. adrenalinejamie

    Debit Card and card machines

    Main idea : to add debit cards so you do not have to carry cash on you at all times to be able to purchase things. Also a card reader purchasable from the electronics shop so shop owners can accept payment by card. Why it should be added: i believe that this would be a good feature to add as...
  28. adrenalinejamie

    happy birthday :)

    happy birthday :)
  29. adrenalinejamie

    thank you:D

    thank you:D