Search results

  1. KeiwaM

    Dispatcher Enjoyability

    These two were my main issues with being a Dispatcher too. Dispatchers should get the ability back to split the radio up in separate departments, so Medics don't all automatically respond as soon as they hear a cop yell "Shots Fired". They shouldn't respond unless the Dispatcher tells them. A...
  2. KeiwaM

    Leonard Bushross

    Aloo best guy. Enforcer next year, trust.
  3. KeiwaM

    Is my computer fucked?

    They should definitely be able to locate the problem more specifically. Maybe you are lucky and it's just a loose connection somewhere. Worst case, it's the GPU and it's cooked. Did you buy it from a second-hand store/reseller or private?
  4. KeiwaM

    Is my computer fucked?

    2015 called, they want their games back. Fr tho, reading everything in here, sounds like your GPU might be cooked or one of the ports are broken. Did you drop it or handle it rough at some point? Even dropping/throwing it on to the bed could be bad. If you have the option, I'd go see a repair...
  5. KeiwaM

    Things that piss you off about games

    Early Access. The recent years have ruined the concept of "early access" and you can never trust a game to ever leave early access. Games will be permanently left in EA for years on end with new content continuously being added but never "fully released". It's like a label that gives the devs an...
  6. KeiwaM

    change it back :bag:

    change it back :bag:
  7. KeiwaM

    Rich Blood

    Nah man, best of luck with the org and all that, respect. But one of the things you learn quickly is you don't become a 'crimelord' on Perp by saying you are. If you say you "dominate the underworld" then you better have the reputation to back it up, or stuff like this thread will happen. People...
  8. KeiwaM

    Rich Blood

    so you've beaten all the other orgs and become the number 1 org? Damn, impressive stuff.
  9. KeiwaM

    Radio stations and broadcasts

    It died cause people lost interest. It was a cool new feature for the first month until people realised that the DJ had total control over what music was played, so that led to DJs one moment playing Classical music and the next hardbass.
  10. KeiwaM

    Radio stations and broadcasts

    ParalakeFM was a thing for a good year or so. People who had access to it could DJ and even just sit and talk if they wanted. It died cause people lost interest after the first month.
  11. KeiwaM

    Have you been a targeted individual?

    everyone playing perp is on a watchlist of some sort. Change my mind.
  12. KeiwaM

    Event Suggestion Mass shooter/hide and shoot event

    Calling it a "Mass Shooter" event is in very poor taste, gonna be real with you. Just call it hide and seek.
  13. KeiwaM

    Where do you go on vacation

    Usually I stay within Denmark, but occasionally I go to other European Countries on roadtrips like Sweden, Germany or France. Going to Poland in October too. For the longer holidays, I usually only do these every few years, I travel east. My last trip was in 2018 and was to Japan. My next one...
  14. KeiwaM

    Model Suggestion Slippers

    Add a 10% chance that when you sprint, you fall flat on your face. That would be pretty dope.
  15. KeiwaM

    Cereal or milk first?

    I too put my bowl in my bowl before anything. Double bowling is superior
  16. KeiwaM

    Bon Voyage

    you're not fooling anyone, you'll always be the at the forefront of this. Godspeed my friend, see you around o7
  17. KeiwaM

    KISS ME - Full Version

  18. KeiwaM

    New Baby Born

    What a joy, congratulations! I remember when I met my sisters little kid for the first time. Since it had been a while, he was already walking and trying to talk, but it's adorable. All the best to you and your family! They grow up so quickly.
  19. KeiwaM

    Happy Pride Month 2024!

    Looks like 2 girls to me. That is indeed very gay.
  20. KeiwaM

    Perma ban question

    depends what you did, but submitting a sincere apology is probably a good start.
  21. KeiwaM

    Happy Pride Month 2024!

    Great way to start a post.
  22. KeiwaM


    I think rogue is right. Looking at how it starts high and then dips gradually, it could be an indication that the steam server you are downloading from is under high load. That or your internet connection is very unstable.
  23. KeiwaM

    Server Suggestion Property Security Cameras

    It would be the same result. Considering how difficult it already is to raid without dying, why make it more difficult?
  24. KeiwaM

    Server Suggestion Property Security Cameras
  25. KeiwaM

    Police Suggestion Traffic Wand/Stop Signal

    Traffic Wands are used to usually guide traffic in case of accidents, road work or non-working traffic lights. This would have to be accompanied by some form of animations to direct. The Stop Light is used by police officers to indicate to oncoming cars that they need to slow down and stop...
  26. KeiwaM

    Slowing down in roundabouts? Never heard of it, take it 2 wheels around

    Slowing down in roundabouts? Never heard of it, take it 2 wheels around
  27. KeiwaM

    Update Log 12/04/2024 - New Clothes and Models

    huge W for builders.
  28. KeiwaM

    I dont :cool:

    I dont :cool:
  29. KeiwaM

    no man, I'm dead let me sleep

    no man, I'm dead let me sleep
  30. KeiwaM

    Server Suggestion PLN radio station

    We had a player-hosted radio station once. It was kind of cool until you realised that the radio channel pretty much had only 2 settings: - Generic public air radio music. - Shitty music from the people who were hosting the radio channel at the given time. It was fun for the first 2 weeks...