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  1. [BS] Joshua Bishop


    For the hoes, Snap: Eyecon Instagram: xo_conehead Twitter: YaBoiConehead
  2. [BS] Joshua Bishop

    is semen

    is semen
  3. [BS] Joshua Bishop

    Happy birthday big guy

    Happy birthday big guy
  4. [BS] Joshua Bishop

    I made swipers avi in your signature

    I made swipers avi in your signature
  5. [BS] Joshua Bishop

    Luca Falcone AR

    go ahead and add this as well, heres some obvious footage of him trying to mug someone by the drug dealer NPC and then killing the guy.
  6. [BS] Joshua Bishop

    Luca Falcone AR

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Eyecon/Joshua Bishop His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Luca Falcone His/Her SteamID: ? Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4, obviously had a gun pointed at him and he pulled a machete. (nice 1tap with a machete though) This guy was running around with a toxic attitude...
  7. [BS] Joshua Bishop


    Lol fuck this id rather just join toms (nevermind I dont think it exists)
  8. [BS] Joshua Bishop


  9. [BS] Joshua Bishop


    A org all about cars and shit. To apply simply post your in-game name, and the car you drive in PH, and I'll probably accept you. We aren't about war and drama, we just like cars. Don't make this more complicated than it has to be.
  10. [BS] Joshua Bishop


    Thank you guys for all of the info! I decided to edit the thread a bit
  11. [BS] Joshua Bishop


    Post a picture of some of the rarest items you have, this one is a repair kit! worth about 50K
  12. [BS] Joshua Bishop

    hmu on steam

    hmu on steam
  13. [BS] Joshua Bishop

    I already did :)

    I already did :)
  14. [BS] Joshua Bishop

    It's my mf birthday

    It's my mf birthday
  15. [BS] Joshua Bishop

    youre still here?

    youre still here?
  16. [BS] Joshua Bishop

    Didnt like him till I figured out he wears supreme, and bape.

    Didnt like him till I figured out he wears supreme, and bape.
  17. [BS] Joshua Bishop Full of himself. Hbd :) Full of himself. Hbd :)
  18. [BS] Joshua Bishop

    Even I have ripped niko off.

    Even I have ripped niko off.
  19. [BS] Joshua Bishop


  20. [BS] Joshua Bishop

    Jamie, an old FL admin actually led me to perpheads, so its good for one thing.

    Jamie, an old FL admin actually led me to perpheads, so its good for one thing.
  21. [BS] Joshua Bishop

    Mykal is back.

    Mykal is back.
  22. [BS] Joshua Bishop

    ey thanx mayn

    ey thanx mayn
  23. [BS] Joshua Bishop
  24. [BS] Joshua Bishop

    Aren't you from Iceland?

    Aren't you from Iceland?
  25. [BS] Joshua Bishop

    You need to understand the border between an intentional rule break and a pure accident -...

    You need to understand the border between an intentional rule break and a pure accident - Understanding that fine line is something that we thrive to see within candidates. I am wet
  26. [BS] Joshua Bishop

    What was your first perspective on PERP?

    When I joined I figured it was too hard to craft. I got brought in 2013 by an old fearless admin named Jamie. Everything seemed too difficult.
  27. [BS] Joshua Bishop

    Official Construction Booklet Poll

    It's about time. We have been missing structure for a really long time. I think this is needed however, not urgently. It's not like this is a consistent issue but I think this does need to be amended to quell future issues before they start. Anyone who opposes this is ridiculous. It's not that...
  28. [BS] Joshua Bishop

    Saw this MURICAN truck on my way to school

    On the back window is a picture of the constitution, an American flag, and an eagle. People actually drive shit like this in America.
  29. [BS] Joshua Bishop


    Your in-game name: Joshua Bishop Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:46286458 What do you need refunded: 3 weeks premium Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Well I got banned a week after donating, and as this screenshot will prove, ive done my fair share of donating. I'm sure fredy will have no problem...
  30. [BS] Joshua Bishop

    Post Your Own Car Thread

    2006 Chevy Malibu. 3.5 Liter V6 Leather interior Yeah I dont have a car in perpheads.