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  1. [BS] Joshua Bishop

    Banrequest for Joshua Bishop

    As the OP has -supported this I believe it should be closed due to OP's request.
  2. [BS] Joshua Bishop

    Senlin's Resignation

    I cant. I really am just flabbergasted. this really makes me upset sen as we had a lot of fun times together :( I'll miss you.
  3. [BS] Joshua Bishop

    Double Ban request.

    Where did I break 3.24
  4. [BS] Joshua Bishop

    Banrequest for Joshua Bishop

    Uploading a video of me watching the demo to point out specific things so you can have my side.
  5. [BS] Joshua Bishop

    Banrequest for Joshua Bishop

    I'll be up here in 20 minutes and I'll be in teamspeak to talk this out with you.
  6. [BS] Joshua Bishop

    Banrequest for Joshua Bishop

    Ah yes I expected this. I will give my explanation in the morning as I am too tired to do it now. Fuck it might as well explain a little. The first two people I hit mugged be beforehand. Giving me a valid reason this also occurred quite late you can see that by there's like 12 people on. The...