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  1. Commenting on Appeals/AR's.

    Before I start I understand this is going to get a lot of 'dumb' and 'disagrees' from mainly non staff members because how can we get post count up without +/-Supporting Appeals :kappa: I think that commenting on Ban Appeals, Refund Requests, Action Requests (along them lines, NOT ENFORCER...
  2. Uh these rules....

    Staff gotta get that warning count up though or how else will they feed their children :kappa: Inb4 warning, Jeffers
  3. The PH revolution

    In this case it should be taken directly to the top of the staff team then. But instead you decide to make a post which is just opening up insults to staff members. It's really not the best way to go about it...
  4. The PH revolution

    I understand what you're saying, but shouldn't you just make staff complaints on each individual staff member; in my opinion by doing this you're causing more harm than good, your complaint is about the staff members, so shouldn't it be in the staff complaints section...?
  5. AR on D3Lux

    Firstly I was legal transporting a gun, secondly you said 'I was inside the bank' in game, I was never inside the bank, I was outside on the sidewalk, you never said please leave, there was no barricade at all blocking me, you just detained me and searched me even after I said 'I'm legally...
  6. AR on D3Lux

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Jeffer Cake/ Jeffrey Geeza His/Her Steam/In-game Name: D3lux / Chris Anderson His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:25015916 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 4.14, Ignoring a admin, ignoring traffic laws and lying about me entering bank. Pretty much, I got detained for walking...
  7. Thanks for all the help lad.

    Thanks for all the help lad.
  8. A lesson in using the /me function

    **DELETED** ~I need to learn to read~
  9. Basic understanding of Powergaming

    I don't get the point in it though, if I do: **Jeffrey attempts to drag John out of car' and he resists and beats me in roll, can't I just do the same again until I win? Correct me if I'm wrong, Jeffrey Corrected ~ Thanks for the info.
  10. MattIsMadForC̶o̶c̶k̶ Cod, ChewKokLong420 and Murtsley

    I'm guessing this is a recommendation for Matt to get Admin, Murtsley to get Enforcer and Chow cause he is an absolute Geez. Recently I started playing on the server; probably just about a week ago, and these 3 in particular for being pretty rich and experienced on the server have still let me...
  11. And its your small dick which I think is dumb :kappa:

    And its your small dick which I think is dumb :kappa:
  12. That wasn't the main point behind the comment >.< And you are supposed to make the headings...

    That wasn't the main point behind the comment >.< And you are supposed to make the headings bold, makes it easier for everyone to read; shows you have put time and consideration in making it, which was the only point of your comment.
  13. When someone rates your comment dumb so you rate theirs dumb back even though it clearly isn't...

    When someone rates your comment dumb so you rate theirs dumb back even though it clearly isn't dumb ;o Maturity levels
  14. Refund Request

    Your in-game name: Jeffery Geeza Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:41796970 What do you need refunded: Deagle and however much the Suburbs apartment with the pool costs. Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Well the admin GraveDinosaur picked up a friends car and repeatedly threw us around the map...