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  1. Pull up Pull up Gass

    Ar on Sleepymode

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Jessica Fox His/Her Steam/In-game Name: SleepyMode His/Her SteamID: Unknown Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 2.5 we were in bazaar and as a joke i did /me spits in womens face because of that she pulled otu a gun gunpointed me in the middle of bazaar and started...
  2. Pull up Pull up Gass

    AR Bonquiqui

    i offerd you 8k wich is more then the crafting price
  3. Pull up Pull up Gass

    AR Bonquiqui

    i didnt confiscate youre gun randomly i already explained you that it was a accident i offerd to give oyu more then the crafting price back and you didnt take it i said sorry aswell you know it was a accident
  4. Pull up Pull up Gass

    Bye :c

    Its a shame that we lose a player like you had alot of great banter with you and alot of fun in general. im sure you will do a goodjob at school and goodluck in the future my boy! Kind regards, Bonquiqui(the slums bitch) Mandela
  5. Pull up Pull up Gass

    The Dutch Family Applications

    Your Steam name: bonquiqui mandela Your age(OOC): 16 Your playtime: 2 weeks Your money: something like 300k 1k drugs and alot of guns Cars owned: Range Rover upgraded twice 5 seats 6 trunksize Driving skills (1-10): 9 Firarms level: 20 Combat experience (1-10): 9 Previous orgs: trapani pasta...
  6. Pull up Pull up Gass

    3.5 New Life Rule

    thats true but how would you ever now if someone died in the past hour ? so you can take your revenge if he mugged you or raided you ??
  7. Pull up Pull up Gass

    3.5 New Life Rule

    + in my opinion this would be a good rule. example: when i get mugged and find the player who mugged me a hour later i have no idea if he died in that hour. if someone gets killed by a troller its very frustrating to not be able to get your payback on someone who mugged you so it would be a...
  8. Pull up Pull up Gass

    nee rikka over 2 maanden pas maar bonquiqui geeft niet op je kent me

    nee rikka over 2 maanden pas maar bonquiqui geeft niet op je kent me
  9. Pull up Pull up Gass

    Trapani Pasta Applications

    RemoveD Isnt it clear that they dont want you you only provoke fights youre always in trouble and youre mot usefull on anyway You mug people(friends of trapani) And if it arent trapani friends that you mug you mug sweaters giving trapani a bad name
  10. Pull up Pull up Gass


  11. Pull up Pull up Gass

    Trapani Pasta

  12. Pull up Pull up Gass

    waar heb je t over?

    waar heb je t over?
  13. Pull up Pull up Gass

    im more op de hossel

    im more op de hossel
  14. Pull up Pull up Gass

    But boef is the best lets be honest Jopie kan je op je kin raken right john?

    But boef is the best lets be honest Jopie kan je op je kin raken right john?
  15. Pull up Pull up Gass

    You wanna go m8? Sevn alias is a fucking god

    You wanna go m8? Sevn alias is a fucking god
  16. Pull up Pull up Gass

    rikka rikka rikka

    rikka rikka rikka
  17. Pull up Pull up Gass

    Trapani Pasta Applications

    Your ingame name/Steam name: Bonquiqui Mandela (both of them) Your age: 16 Your playtime: 1 week Your money: 100k Cars owned: 1 Black range rover 2012 (5 trunksize) (4 seats) (upgraded once) Driving skills (1-10): 7 Firarms level: 17 Combat experience (1-10): 8 Previous orgs: trapani, trapani...
  18. Pull up Pull up Gass

    free koevoet nog steeds nu gaat je moeder ook mee en maak ik doezoes op stage maar ben nog...

    free koevoet nog steeds nu gaat je moeder ook mee en maak ik doezoes op stage maar ben nog steeds in de buurt gap
  19. Pull up Pull up Gass


  20. Pull up Pull up Gass

    The Family

    i want to join
  21. Pull up Pull up Gass

    I wish for ....

    i wish that some admins wouldnt ban me and then like not come on the server for more then a week or ban you while your in a rp situation while i didnt do anything fucking wrong
  22. Pull up Pull up Gass

    je kan toch zien dat ik goed eet? en kom ik in het zwart neem ik geen cadeau of snoep mee!

    je kan toch zien dat ik goed eet? en kom ik in het zwart neem ik geen cadeau of snoep mee!
  23. Pull up Pull up Gass

    AR on Bonquiqui

    when did this happen? im pretty sure somethign happend before so i want to check my own demo aswell becasue i know aleksey doesnt like me and i know he wants to get me banned because he lost his remmington not becausei got my gun out
  24. Pull up Pull up Gass

    AR on bonquiqui

    i have no idea how i never uploaded a demo before can you show me wednesday? tomas how late did the accident happen?
  25. Pull up Pull up Gass

    AR on bonquiqui

    You didnt upload the everything only a small part of what happend. this is what happend my friend bobbie ross hit someone (as banter) they hit back theyre was a little fight then they got broken up by wesley coleman then bobbie started attacking and trying to kill wesley coleman when wesley...
  26. Pull up Pull up Gass

    wtf who are you guys and what are you chatting about lads?

    wtf who are you guys and what are you chatting about lads?
  27. Pull up Pull up Gass

    who are you lol?

    who are you lol?