Search results

  1. My Glorious King

    What’s the craziest thing you've done in school?

    I got kicked out of a class, because I laughed when the screen showed black African children
  2. My Glorious King

    Best Perpheads Video Ever!!!

    @Aquaa his video about making his comeback on perpheads is legendary, wish I could see it again/
  3. My Glorious King

    [ATTACH] wtf why are you banned

    wtf why are you banned
  4. My Glorious King


    Remember my name
  5. My Glorious King


  6. My Glorious King

    South Carolina exotic animals ban.

    This is a complex issue, and your concerns highlight the tension between public safety, animal welfare, and the rights of responsible pet owners. Here’s my take on it: Overreach of Legislation: Categorizing ducks, geese, and roosters as "dangerous" seems excessive and lacks scientific or...
  7. My Glorious King

    The High School Rivalry

    oh no
  8. My Glorious King

    The High School Rivalry

    The High School Rivalry A1L had always been a quiet kid in high school. He wasn’t unpopular exactly, just... unnoticed. While others were making their mark on the school’s social scene, he spent his time sketching in notebooks and acing science quizzes. Then there was me, Conyo – the loudest...
  9. My Glorious King

    Any good games for under €5 on Steam?

    Do good games exist for 5 euro?
  10. My Glorious King

    Server Suggestion Pub Worker

    You are such a NPC dude
  11. My Glorious King

    [ATTACH] @Aquaa

  12. My Glorious King


    See you next week brother! <3
  13. My Glorious King


    Do you want to team up AQUA and be my zombie surivivng frend?
  14. My Glorious King

    [ATTACH] OMG Erwin my glorious king I am so closeeeee to my unban

    OMG Erwin my glorious king I am so closeeeee to my unban
  15. My Glorious King

    No diddy

    ''why do you speak for the sake of speaking''
  16. My Glorious King

    New Chief of Department

    I feel like @A1L Should be back to PO and peform Barricade duties
  17. My Glorious King


  18. My Glorious King


    Its the best feeling brother, Goodjob on this. Real man
  19. My Glorious King

    Staff issue

    It's simple, Your shouldn't be staffmember If u cannot commit your whole life on perpheads. You can't expect to be 50% school boy and 50% Moderator on a serious RP server as a grown ass man.
  20. My Glorious King

    New Baby Born

    still looks bit asian tho
  21. My Glorious King

    New Baby Born

    ah alright, i was just curious brother. Goodluck raising that baby! Don't introduce him to perpheads.
  22. My Glorious King

    New Baby Born

    Congrats bro are u by any chance asian?
  23. My Glorious King

    Hey Nate, remember when we were sitting down in class and I made all those gay jokes but you...

    Hey Nate, remember when we were sitting down in class and I made all those gay jokes but you took them too serious? Kinda gay bro, but happy birthday tho
  24. My Glorious King

    Permabanned giveaway

    Conyo Demama brother
  25. My Glorious King

    Alright think with me guys.....

    As you know I've received my 1000th ban on perpheads. The ban is 3 months long. So am I gonna be on time to play V6 or am I cooked. Send your best analysis.
  26. My Glorious King

    Favourite steak doneness

    Most perp players don't go outside for food, only school and work and then go back to powergrowing
  27. My Glorious King

    Not Like Us - PERPHeads Montage ft. Smiley Face Gang

  28. My Glorious King

    Because he has a gun apparently

    Because he has a gun apparently
  29. My Glorious King

    [ATTACH] Story of my life.

    Story of my life.